Gold Vampiric Longbow of Fortitude
15-28 damage
req. 13 Marksmenship (I know this is high but it shouldn't be THAT hard right?)
Damage +15% When health over 50%
Life Stealing 3 Health Regen -1
Health +20 (If you don't like this, you can replace upgrades)
I will also be selling this on and and I'll post a link to the auction of each later so you can see the bids of other people. The bidding starts at 70k but I have no reserve price. For now, there is no buyout price. Please make your offers here and not to me ingame. Incase the price reaches more than 100k I will likely ask MCS to be a middleman. Read about that here:
IGN is Liquidus Crystallum
WTS GOLD Max Dmg Longbow with 15% when health over 50%, 3:1 Vamp, and +20 health
Is this the normal looking longbow, or the other one with the feathers sticking out of the bow grip?

sorry, the bow has been sold