Don't get me wrong I love my Stalker but one thing that annoys me so much is that it can act like a brick wall.
This same problem existed in Diablo 2 with the Necromancer's minions. If you had a few, they would follow you, and if you're in a small corridor and you want to go back or return, you couldn't because they were unpassable (you couldn't pass through them) resulting in deaths on average. Before they fixed the problem, you would have to destroy your skeletons to get through a corridor and then find more corpses for your minions. You can't unsummon your pet here or you lost it completely.
I suggest that they just make it so you can pass through your pet so that doesn't happen.
Pet Annoyance
I completely agree. Being a ranger and having a pet isn't nearly as bad as being a warrior with a pet. I have a W/R and that thing gets in my way constantly. I've said it before, but your allies don't seem to block you, so why should your own pet?
Seth Oriath
Not to mention that it often looks like your pet can pass through everything else
Aidan Gawain
I know. For example, once I was killed on an infusion run because I was trapped between a couple of enemies and someone's pet. You can walk through other players (I have a screenshot of about 10 people standing on top of each other in front of a merchant), so why not through their pets?
/signed, one of the many small irritations involved with pets. Even with just one the warriors constantly get stuck behind it, and in the heat of battle you don't always discover it until it's too late.
/signed. I've gotten KIA several times because someone's pet got in the way.
/signed I hate having to wait for my pet to get out of the way after it has trapped me somewhere. So annoying.
Tellani Artini
Agreed. Also, please give my pet the ability to hit a moving crippled target instead of just following it, and the ability to hit a normally moving target while call of haste is engaged. With call of haste engaged (+25% movement speed) on a crippled target, the pet can hit at about 1/4 speed it seems, so a pet build without pin down is pretty gimped against kiters. No other melee creature in the game has trouble with this. It would also help if my pet didn't stand and stare at the target for about 2 seconds before deciding to attack. Does anyone else have this problem?
I can live without all the extra pet control options people are asking for, but please fix the ability to hit a moving target, and don't give the warriors on my team a reason to complain about it being in the way.
I can live without all the extra pet control options people are asking for, but please fix the ability to hit a moving target, and don't give the warriors on my team a reason to complain about it being in the way.
No other melee creature in the game has trouble with this. It would also help if my pet didn't stand and stare at the target for about 2 seconds before deciding to attack. Does anyone else have this problem? |
lol i notice my pet does this sometimes, just kinda looks at what it's attacking... then decideds to go after it.