The swords below will not be sold if I do not get the offers I am looking for.
I am also willing to trade for items worth the same such as swords, shields, hammers, staffs, and whatnot.
1. Shocking Flamberge of Fortitude
Lightning dmg: 15-22(req.10)
Dmg +13%
Health regen -1
Health +27
2. Icy Flamberge of Warding
Cold dmg: 15-22(req.10)
Dmg +14%(while in a stance)
Armor +6(vs. ele attacks)
3. Zealous Gladius of Fortitude
Slashing dmg:15-22(req.12)
Dmg +13%(while health is above 50%)
Health +29
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regen: -1
GOLD Swords - Max Dmg
Sir Wolfninja
1 30k
3 20k
3 20k
Sir Wolfninja
i'll let this go for a few days. thx
Sir Wolfninja
shameless bump to make some gold...
Closed read the guidelines.