Okay, I know this a subject often brought up here, but I have to vent my anger somehow.
Doing Thunderhead Keep today, I am one of 2 healers. Get so far, then it all goes to ****. Both monks start getting the usual "FFS SAKES HEAL MONKS!!!11". Then the Ele in the party's health starts going down real fast. I realise he is being attacked by 2 giants, and he is just standing there. I I use almost all of my energy keep healing him but eventually he dies. Then "***KING STUPID MONKS CANT HEAL". And another member agrees.
I am so sick of being a monk now. Most parties I am in appreciate their monks, but the few parties of morons are ruining it for me. I have SO MUCH more fun with my other character. You never hear "FFS RANGER CANT YOU SHOOT PROBERLY" or "ElE U SUK YOU ARNT CASTING FAST ENUFF!!!!!!!1111".
Their are some major idiots out there...
/end rant
Fed up with being a monk
Principa Discordia
Venting and ranting is not an acceptable way to present your point or to open a discussion. Try again.