My eperimental nec/me. need input.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005



Originally from here, inspired by a thread to create keystone signet builds. I got fed up with everyone making mo/mes, so I made this: (it has been edited a little since its original post in the link)


10+3 Blood
11 Inspiration
10+2 Curses
1+1 Soul Reaping

Signet of Agony
Barbed Signet
Keystone Signet (E)
Mantra of Inscription
Plauge Sending
Signet of Humility
Life Siphon

Basically he annoys people with lots of damage, frequently AoE damage. He does tend to sac life, but lvl 13 life siphon can gain it back, fast. He tends to inlict hideous conditions on himself (bleed, disease) but he can transfer them to everyone on the opposing team via plauge sending. (wanted to use plauge signet, but its elite )

He also has several other abilities sure to tick off the enemy team. Every time he casts chillblains, he destroys one enchantment per victim, and on his next move will disease them all. Signet of Humility with Keystone can keep a couple of elites pinned down.

Originally he was just for fun, but I thnk I may try him out because he looks fun to play, and effective as well. Thoughts?