In an effort to lower the amount of stickies, I'm making this FAQ thread for any new people with questions. Hopefully it will reduce the amount of stickes and the amount of spam in the long-term.
The Official Guild Wars Guru FAQ - Lots of information about the site, and plenty of information about the game for new starters.
The Official Guild Wars Guru Guidelines - Many guidelines for posting that new and old users should check up on from time-to-time.
The "Use The Search Button" Thread - This speaks for itself, and is probably the best advice on the entire forum.
A Serious Announcment By THX - A serious announcement by THX on the increase of spam. Remember, ignorance of the rules does not make one exempt from them.
Guild Wars Gaming Terms - A good thread for people who don't know their AOEs from their DDs, or their GUI from their PUG. Drop by here for a huge list of helpful acronyms and gaming terms.
Guild Wars Hotkeys List - A useful thread for anyone who needs to know the default keyboard layout for Guild Wars. Good reference.
Guild Wars Emote Commands - A long list of emote commands for Guild Wars to put some spice into your conversations.

I hope that this helps reduce the amount of stickies, as too many of them can be highly confusing, and I hope that it lowers the amount of spam. I'll be updating this every time I see an insanely common question, in the mean time have fun.
Principa Discordia (Moderator).