Question from a NuB - If I go through the Academy as a primary Warrior, is it too late to also become a secondary Monk? I can't find any NPC's with the secondary option anymore. Hope I don't have to start over.
Secondary Profession Not Available After Academy?
Unfortunately, yes. The only place to pick up your secondary profession at the moment is in the Tutorial.
To be quite honest, I dont think the tutorial is that n00b friendly. People end up leaving before getting a second profession then cant get one and its hard to find all the quests
Ok, thank you. Better to find out 8 hours into it instead of 80.
I /bugged this as I had my Ranger exactly how I wanted him (level 4 1/2 with good gear and many quests done), enjoyed having a landslide victory over the opposing team in the Academy, then popped out on the other side only to realize I had to delete my character and start all over to get my 2nd profession. The little "warning" before entering the Academy told me I would be away from friends for awhile, sure, but it didn't say anything about being stuck with one class forever.
Ironically, when I leveled back up and visited my 2nd trainer, they warned me very clearly that by choosing their class it would be permanent and that I wouldn't be able to choose another if I accepted. (actually the Monk guy tricked me into doing the Monk quest without warning me, only the Elementalist gave me a clear warning. Luckily I wasn't interested in doing the Monk quest first, or I would have had to delete my character AGAIN, and probably given up).
Ironically, when I leveled back up and visited my 2nd trainer, they warned me very clearly that by choosing their class it would be permanent and that I wouldn't be able to choose another if I accepted. (actually the Monk guy tricked me into doing the Monk quest without warning me, only the Elementalist gave me a clear warning. Luckily I wasn't interested in doing the Monk quest first, or I would have had to delete my character AGAIN, and probably given up).
You can actually do all of the various quests to test the skills and the class out, before you commit. Makes for great extra experience. It's only when they ask if you want to commit (ie, no changes, no testing others out) and you click Accept that you're locked into it.
Open Tractor
Yeah, the first monk quest is worded a little tricky but you won't become any secondary until AFTER you complete the quest and agree to the change. You can even accept the reward without being cemented to that profession. Entering the academy should have a better warning, I agree.