Anet should add something that is really hard to do.
1) A raid type place(bigger then 8 people)***
2) Something that involves alot of money
3) Or just plain..something that needs to be organized to do.
***An idea to prevent more then 8 people in a zone could be to have a 5 instance zone, not connected to each other, but all related to each perform the quest...all players will have to coordinently pull a switch at the end of the zone at the same time. something like that.
Now if a guild does happen to do one of these hard things(yet to be thought of). A Time will appear when you start the game.
Where Guild Info is, it will say "This Guild is has completed the "blah blah blah" and the results will be presented on <insert date and time> be sure to catch it!"
The presentation could be anything... like the sky would change colors... a new city would open up for a little while through an the whole world would shake. Fire works a certain town. Items would drop more. things like that. Maybe different types of events for the different types of raids they finished
So what do you think
Our Guild Present ....
Extra guild activities? Sure, i'm for that!
Maybe there could be timed competitions between two guilds as well.

I like the idea of the multi-instance quest, but I also like the idea of a multi team instance. Get 5 teams of 8 into an instance, that's 40 people. Coordinate right and you can take out anything.
yeah, multi-instance questing, and multi-party questing is a must have in future expansions, id just like to see some sort of reward that everyone could enjoy, and allow the guild that presented it to earn some respect