Its getting old fast! I had a great group who was out to kill the dragon in dragons lair and I was lagging here and there, freezing in spots during battles and speeding up like mad to catch up. That is so annoying, but what is with getting booted from the game due to lag? We were literally two seconds from fighting the last dragon and then blam! Title screen and error= 7.
Is it just me or have you noticed more lag since these updates?
Blame it on the bots I say. Mostly lag is in towns with good farming but I never heard of that much lag out of town. I havnet gotten the error 7 yet but it seems like its bad. That mission is easy anyway, I did it with henches twice. 2nd time to get elite.
Principa Discordia
Thread moved to Technician's Corner and edited to remove melodrama.
Count yourself lucky, Spooky ordered us to delete threads on sight that are so "
Count yourself lucky, Spooky ordered us to delete threads on sight that are so "

I've been playing this game since the last beta weekend and haven't had any lag problems. Then just this past week I'm getting lag everywhere, towns and instances. It has become very annoying.
Maybe it is all the bots people are speaking of on these boards? I don't know. But I wish it would stop.
Maybe it is all the bots people are speaking of on these boards? I don't know. But I wish it would stop.