Malign Intervention
Description For 5-17 seconds target foe recieves 20% less benefit from healing. If target foe dies while hexed with Malign Intervention a level 1-14 masterless Bone Horror is summon.
Energy Cost 10
Casting Time 1 seconds
Recharge Time 20 seconds
Skill Type Spell
Linked Attribute Death Magic
Does this spell exploit the target corpse? Or does the Bone Horror Just appear?
About Malign Intervention
I would say it exploits the corpse. Being that the masterless horror is summoned( meaning, in essence, you are animating a horror),.. the target corpse, because of the hexed state upon exploited automatically.
Just remember.. the horror is will attack whatever target is closest...even you.
Just remember.. the horror is will attack whatever target is closest...even you.
Yes it exploits it for sure. This is as of the scand bwe. I tried a malign / veratas gaze combo in the arena, and It actually worked out pretty well. With verata's gazes you can turn the masterless minion to your side for a cheap minion Very cool combo. I'd say try it out this bwe, you may like it.
ok, also, since it says it is a spell instead of a he, can it therefore stack on 20% at a time of less healing?
Pretty much certain it's a hex - it says "hexed" right in the description.
true.... i just says spell for some other reason in the skill type..
Isn't a hex still a spell? You cast a spell and the effect is a hex on your opponent? Hexes and Enchantments are both spells I thought.