I used to think the trip to the Ascelon settlement was lonely and dangerous. Plus since there is no actual town for peeps to warp to, it is a pain to get to unless you have a good team.
Anyway, they made a positive change when you leave LA. When you step out there you see Devona, Cynn, Aidin, and Mhenlo. They join up and you escort them to the settlement. I found that it made me actually enjoy the quest there, and even though they didn't fight, the monk did spam heals when needed. Which made the going much more bearable.
I had felt, on my prior three builds, that it was almost as if the settlement was very detached from the story. Which shouldn't have been since the main focus of the game was to find a spot for the refugees. I mean, we went through hell and back to get there, and then they just bamm! took on a back burner role. Now, I feel, they helped bring us more in touch with or fellow Ascelon brothers and sisters of whom we fought so hard to get across, even to the great loss of our Prince!
To the Dev's: Thanks for the positive change! Though it wasn't earth shattering, it was still nice, and new players will not feel that disconnect I had felt earlier.
**edit** I would love to see a revisit to the Ascelon settlement(s) and possibly a story of how they win their independence from the White Mantle. Surely, they would be subjugated to their laws and villany! Definately room for that in the future. The hero's could go back and defend the town for X minutes to keep it from falling into the White Mantle's hands. Then they could possibly strike back and take LA and the eastern part of Kryta and make our own country! Or perhaps, restore the Lionguard, for exchange in assistance in rebuffing the Char from Ascelon
It could possibly open for an offensive in future chapters for the liberation of Ascelon, and it's resettlement. We could find out what happened to the King, and those who stayed behind!
Just brainstorming.... lol
Change can be good!
Darkest Dawn
Divinitys Creature
A tip for people escorting Cynn and co. to Ascalon settlement. Kill off those tengu jerks before talking to Devona, the tengu can make light work of them.
The Tengu can make light work of me!
Those things are vicious in packs, which they always seem to be in...

I've found that if you take the eastern, twisting route by the bogs (not through the bogs!) it's a lot easier than facing the "valley of tengu death".
All that's there are some skales, ettins, and a few fire imps. Very manageable.
All that's there are some skales, ettins, and a few fire imps. Very manageable.
Darkest Dawn
Originally Posted by sledgeunderhill
I've found that if you take the eastern, twisting route by the bogs (not through the bogs!) it's a lot easier than facing the "valley of tengu death".
All that's there are some skales, ettins, and a few fire imps. Very manageable. |
Also, while the company we are escorting is notn-combative, and thus will die easily(as was said earlier) at least Mhenlo will heal any wounded party members. This extra healing makes for a fighting chance against the Tengu.
But yeah, they are tough, especially at the normal level most are when you first encounter them! Not only are they tough melee warriors, but they can spam multiple conjure phantasms and drain your life very quickly, if there are multiple mesmer type ones there!.
Yes, in fact there are several ways to get to Ascalon Settlement. I find it amusing that the most difficult way is to follow the signposts. Those devs...
It makes sense, though. If you're a hostile force of Tengu wanting to ambush anyone wandering through the area, the best place to be is along the main road. To avoid being ambushed, take alternate routes...
It makes sense, though. If you're a hostile force of Tengu wanting to ambush anyone wandering through the area, the best place to be is along the main road. To avoid being ambushed, take alternate routes...