The W/Mo Plague
I have been enjoying Guild Wars since its release, and I absolutely love it... that is until this weekend in the Tomb.
I havn't done much PvP so I decided to give it a solid try, and hopefully reach the HoH and get myself a signet. A few initial attempts were educational, prompting a few tweaks to my build. Then it happened...
My team went into the second battle and was completely decimated by a korean group consisting of 8 W/Mo. Every single one of them was a W/Mo. ALL 8 OF THEM.
Well at first I thought, hell, that's rather creative... cheesy, but creative. And then on a later attempt at the Tomb my team came across yet another ALL W/Mo team (American this time)!!!
Please tell me there is a way to defeat this sort of group. Suggestions are highly sought.
I havn't done much PvP so I decided to give it a solid try, and hopefully reach the HoH and get myself a signet. A few initial attempts were educational, prompting a few tweaks to my build. Then it happened...
My team went into the second battle and was completely decimated by a korean group consisting of 8 W/Mo. Every single one of them was a W/Mo. ALL 8 OF THEM.
Well at first I thought, hell, that's rather creative... cheesy, but creative. And then on a later attempt at the Tomb my team came across yet another ALL W/Mo team (American this time)!!!
Please tell me there is a way to defeat this sort of group. Suggestions are highly sought.
8 mesmers with backfire and empathy....each one target a single warrior....hit them with both spells.....and beat them to death with your staves or wands.
Omnipotens Vir
The only way I can think of to beat them would be to use ranged attacks/hexes/etc. effectively. Being W/Mo's, they obviously are pretty good healers, but it is only their secondary prof', making it less than self-sufficient. Staying at a distance of course stops them for using their main advantage: melee battling.
Don't know how much help this is...
The only way I can think of to beat them would be to use ranged attacks/hexes/etc. effectively. Being W/Mo's, they obviously are pretty good healers, but it is only their secondary prof', making it less than self-sufficient. Staying at a distance of course stops them for using their main advantage: melee battling.

Don't know how much help this is...
A team built of 8 of the same class is so easily countered, it's not even funny. And I play VERY LITTLE PvP, so it's not as if I'm the uber oracle on this or something.
Someone already said mesmers with backfire, alternatively, bring Ward of Melee, Aegis etc.
It's going to be tough to beat them, but any single one WoM or Aegis is going to stop the other team from really doing a lot of damage to you.
Someone already said mesmers with backfire, alternatively, bring Ward of Melee, Aegis etc.
It's going to be tough to beat them, but any single one WoM or Aegis is going to stop the other team from really doing a lot of damage to you.
they'd probably have adrenal skills. but if u find a way to make them miss (blind) or staying at a distance, they cannot pump their adrenaline. since they don't have much energy (even if they use +energy items, they don't have enough regen to recharge for long time uses), they can't heal for long. and if they happen to use upkeep enchantments... they won't have energy.
yeah hexes would work too..
yeah hexes would work too..
Originally Posted by Creston
A team built of 8 of the same class is so easily countered, it's not even funny. And I play VERY LITTLE PvP, so it's not as if I'm the uber oracle on this or something.
Um, you take advantage of the fact that their team has little to no defense and pick them off one at a time.
What exactly was the problem again?
What exactly was the problem again?
Reiden Argrock
air ele's work well against any warrior, with armor penetration, but that is also an overused class I think

Kuku Monk
Would have been more enjoyable to see 8 W/Rs with pets....

put pacifism on 7 while clobbering the 8th....
lol yeah 8 warrior wiht pes would have been funny but that a pretty cracy group to go against say they all organized and only attack ont traget at time they will pick people one offf at a timerelly fast. plus about that adrenaline and blind they probably would take balthazar spirit. never came up agianst one of this groups but would love imagine a an all ranger group aginst them the ranges could just lay ab unc of traps and boom they dead lol
lol then pets vs pets and rangers vs the warriors... hehe would be fun to watch...
like a pokemons battle + masters war.
like a pokemons battle + masters war.
traps and mesmers will tear wamos up. distraction and backfire with empathy. get a necro in there for enfeebling blood, shadow of fear, rotting flesh.
warriors are weak sauce.
a wamo's biggest opponent is a mesmer. wamos rely on their enchants and self heals. take that away and they're easy
warriors are weak sauce.
a wamo's biggest opponent is a mesmer. wamos rely on their enchants and self heals. take that away and they're easy
Balrad Baptiste
I think the problem that arise here, which is ignored by the clever peeps saying "You NooB, this build owns those you call overpowered". Is the fact that you dont know what you are gonna run into. So bringing 8 mesmers into the tombs will win you the day against 8 Wa/Mo. So you better cross your fingers and hope you run into such a group, cause if you dont that build of yours will turn out to be even more fragile than what you hope to counter. If you get lucky and draw 8 Wa/Mo with your mesmers, good luck in being equally lucky in the next round draw.
Edit cause of spelling.
Edit cause of spelling.
This just goes to show that the build that will beat you is always the one you're not expecting.
At least this will persuade people to bring along the hex Necro's, condition Rangers and Hydromancers that otherwise get ignored.
At least this will persuade people to bring along the hex Necro's, condition Rangers and Hydromancers that otherwise get ignored.
I don't have as much PvP experience as most of you but I'll share my experience.
I happened to be randomly placed into the Ascalon PvP arena with a group of 3-lvl 10 W/Mo's and myself lvl 10 El/Mo. The first 2-games we just smashed both opposing teams in record time with no problems...both flawless victories. I thought wow, this team can't be beat. Next opponent at least 2-rangers and one spell caster. We got owned. I couldn't keep the team healed or resurrect anyone because one of those pesky Rangers keep pelting me with some type of disruption arrows. I was the last one standing but we got beat pretty quick.
By the way the best results I had was with a very diversified group. We had close to 20 consecutive victorys with this group. El/Mo, Me/N, W/R, Mo/W.
I don't have as much PvP experience as most of you but I'll share my experience.
I happened to be randomly placed into the Ascalon PvP arena with a group of 3-lvl 10 W/Mo's and myself lvl 10 El/Mo. The first 2-games we just smashed both opposing teams in record time with no problems...both flawless victories. I thought wow, this team can't be beat. Next opponent at least 2-rangers and one spell caster. We got owned. I couldn't keep the team healed or resurrect anyone because one of those pesky Rangers keep pelting me with some type of disruption arrows. I was the last one standing but we got beat pretty quick.
By the way the best results I had was with a very diversified group. We had close to 20 consecutive victorys with this group. El/Mo, Me/N, W/R, Mo/W.
How exactly will 8 mesmers beat 8 warriors with empathy + backfire ? Purely from a COORDINATION perspective it borders on rather amazing . 8 warriors will target 1 mesmer, 8 mesmers will have to target 8 DIFFERENT do you coordinate that??? Am i missing something?
Does adrenaline skills count as "attack" or "spell" ?? [which will kick in, backfire or empathy?]
Even in best case i imagine this will happen :
Each warrior get empathy+backfire and attacking Mesmer 1. The mesmer i'm sure will be dead way before a warrior drops. So now you have 7 vs 8. Already one warrior will be "Free" and cant be empathied/backfired...what will he do? Heal.
...So i dunno, i would think you will need more than that to kill warriors.
I would guess 8 wa/mo will be "ganging" a single target or at most 2 targets, so i would think you would need NUKES in the form of say elementalists with knockdown [air?] , blind [earth] , slow [water] and some of the necro curses range to slow attack speeds etc etc. Empathy+Backfire requires each person to target that is not targeted by anyone else.....
Does adrenaline skills count as "attack" or "spell" ?? [which will kick in, backfire or empathy?]
Even in best case i imagine this will happen :
Each warrior get empathy+backfire and attacking Mesmer 1. The mesmer i'm sure will be dead way before a warrior drops. So now you have 7 vs 8. Already one warrior will be "Free" and cant be empathied/backfired...what will he do? Heal.
...So i dunno, i would think you will need more than that to kill warriors.
I would guess 8 wa/mo will be "ganging" a single target or at most 2 targets, so i would think you would need NUKES in the form of say elementalists with knockdown [air?] , blind [earth] , slow [water] and some of the necro curses range to slow attack speeds etc etc. Empathy+Backfire requires each person to target that is not targeted by anyone else.....
Yukito Kunisaki
Most W/Mo I've fought have been slaughtered by the simplicity that is Enfeeble. But who knows? Maybe more than 2 people would read my warrior/monk recommended thread...
Anduril Arclite
the problemis that you don't know what you are going to fight against, maybe an ele team or a wo/mo team, a trapper team, necro raise team :S, you cant counter them all can you?
You wouldn't need to run an all-mesmer group, but having a couple with Sympathetic Visage and some kind of enchantment stripping would really put some hurt on an all-w/mo group.
Ashleigh McMahon
A combination of Air Elementalists should do this.
Use chain lightning.
Regards, Ashleigh.
Use chain lightning.
Regards, Ashleigh.