Originally Posted by Paine
Amnisac & Ensign, you still can't release the fact that rangers suck.
I can't 'release'(?) the fact that Rangers suck because it's patently not true.
To speak of different gametypes:
Rangers are poor in low level PvE. No Expertise, no skill selection, and no complex enemies to pick apart = stuck twiddling their thumbs.
Rangers are excellent in high level PvE. Expertise gives them the staying power for longer battles, and good skill selection makes them one of the best classes to pick apart known strategies and mob AI.
Arena is probably the Ranger's strongest area, because the class is so self contained. The game is slow enough that you'll have time to work, and you can pack hate for the inevitible one on one fights you'll find yourself in.
Tombs, on the other hand, is not particularly favorable to the Ranger. Many of the gametypes there put a lot of emphesis on speed, making it so that many of the Ranger's strengths just can't keep up.
Then there's GvG, another spot where the Ranger shines. Why? Because GvG is oftentimes a siege, fighting over positioning and control and working the other team down.
The example that pops to mind is the IVEX trapper. I'm sure that a lot of people take that character into Tombs, see how poorly he functions there, and wonder what the hell the big deal was. Which is unfortunate, because from where I'm sitting the IVEX trapper is the most complex, most informative, and ultimately the most useful of the premades (the Fi Booner is in the running, though). The trick is that the trapper is not a Tombs build - it's a GvG build. While I have my personal disagreements over a couple of the skill choices, I think that looking at that character and understanding the skill choices goes a long way towards understanding how and why people win in GvG.
I've played against IVEX several times, and while I still feel that the skill of their Monks is their greatest asset, of their offensive players the trapper is probably the one with the most noticible impact. Underrate it at your own peril.
Originally Posted by Paine
Because you're one of them.
So your argument is that my defense of the Ranger is invalid because I'm too biased to make an objective argument? Please. For the record, all things being equal I'm playing a Monk.
But I shouldn't even need to refute this. I'm one of the harshest critics of game balance there is, with a proven track record of being a thorn in the dev's sides. But even beyond that, I'm making arguments based upon merit. The fact that I'm making them, or someone with no reputation whatsoever is making them, should be irrelevant.
That Rangers are the most tactical class should not be argued. That a highly disruptive, hard to break tactical damage dealer will find use in gametypes that reward such things (high level PvE, GvG) should be obvious.
I have to wonder if people just notice that rangers suck in the beginning (when they're forming their initial judgements, and noticing that rangers suck is 100% accurate), then see that they can't dish out a 300 damage spike in Tombs or whatever and dismiss the class entirely. Of course this is so foolish it hurts. If all we cared about was usefulness in low level PvP and damage spikes, no one would use hammers, either.
Originally Posted by Paine
You may think and experiment with different kind of tactics but you can never kill someone in 1 vs 1, and if you can't survive in 1 vs 1 then you're weak.
So this is the new standard? A class, or a build, has to be good at dueling to be considered a viable profession choice?
I don't even know where to begin with this argument. How about we just take it to the logical extreme, and declare that Mesmer is the only good class?
Or do you doubt that any 1v1 arena, if implemented, would degenerate into anything other than Mesmers getting into control duels?
What does this have to do with anything?
Originally Posted by Paine
Your arguments don't make any sense.
Your failure to understand my arguments are not a reflection upon their strength.
I will mention, however, that I am the only one making arguments to defend my position.
Originally Posted by Paine
Get yourself a monk and support your teammates orderly, that's much more better.
Well as previously mentioned I do play Monk all else being equal. Still, I fail to see how that is relevant considering that this game, at least the later parts of it, is based not upon the individual character but the eight man team. Now that Monks have a monopoly on a couple of those slots is not up for debate. The question is, of course 'why are Rangers *never* the right choice for one or more of the other slots on an eight man team?'
Which, I'll wager, cannot be answered.