WTB::2/1 Vampiric Bow String
20+Life Bow Grip
WTS::Storm Bows, Etc,Gold
WTB::Vampiric String, Upgrades
Divine Elemental
I got Bow grip of fortitude +20. Any reasonable offer, IGN Irish God
Lust Faeriefire
I have bow grip +23 and +24... pick one and offer price
i have a bow grip, +20 health: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=24054
I also have a 4/-1. Contact me in game as Pillz Veritas, or PM me here
The Primeval King
I have a Vampiric Bow String, 5:1. C/O for it in Lions Arch is 60k, so bid higher than that if you need. IGN- The Primeval King
Okibi Razgriz
i have a 2/1 vamp string if u are still interested. my IGN is crackshot Razgriz