EMERGENCY: We need an auction house BAD!
Title says it all.
Okay this game is supposed to be fun, but it's not fun when you're trying to sell an item in LA and sitting down for an hour or so doing nothing but spamming "WTS... "
It also contributes to the inflated prices. Heck if I have to sit down for an hour to get my item sold, I better get upwards of 10 plat!!! coz that's how much I'm getting if I spend the time farming instead.
We have seen that inflation in the game can be easily cured with a rune trader. We used to have rune going for 100 plats. But now superior vigor is only 50 plats (a few hours ago)
When trader and buyer can NOT meet, you find yourself in a difficult situation where prices are exorbitant and neither party actually gaining anything. If I sell you my l33t axe for 50k, I don't actually make that much money, considering that I sit down spamming for a bit to get the price.
If you're the buyer, your choices are limitted too. You have to take that axe the jerk is selling for ridiculous price, because there's no other seller, and you want the axe like... bad!
But think about it as a seller, I need to make prices high too, because I'll face the same problem when I'm the buyer. I need money so that when I see an item I want, I can be sure to get it, even if it costs a lot.
And so the viciuous cycle.
So plz plz plz I have had enough standing around in LA, spamming in the market channel. Make another trader for items, that way I can sell my item in a sec, and buy the one I want in a sec.
The lack of a trade shop in 2005 online game is UNACCEPTABLE!
Okay this game is supposed to be fun, but it's not fun when you're trying to sell an item in LA and sitting down for an hour or so doing nothing but spamming "WTS... "
It also contributes to the inflated prices. Heck if I have to sit down for an hour to get my item sold, I better get upwards of 10 plat!!! coz that's how much I'm getting if I spend the time farming instead.
We have seen that inflation in the game can be easily cured with a rune trader. We used to have rune going for 100 plats. But now superior vigor is only 50 plats (a few hours ago)
When trader and buyer can NOT meet, you find yourself in a difficult situation where prices are exorbitant and neither party actually gaining anything. If I sell you my l33t axe for 50k, I don't actually make that much money, considering that I sit down spamming for a bit to get the price.
If you're the buyer, your choices are limitted too. You have to take that axe the jerk is selling for ridiculous price, because there's no other seller, and you want the axe like... bad!
But think about it as a seller, I need to make prices high too, because I'll face the same problem when I'm the buyer. I need money so that when I see an item I want, I can be sure to get it, even if it costs a lot.
And so the viciuous cycle.
So plz plz plz I have had enough standing around in LA, spamming in the market channel. Make another trader for items, that way I can sell my item in a sec, and buy the one I want in a sec.
The lack of a trade shop in 2005 online game is UNACCEPTABLE!
Unacceptable by whose standards? Besides yours.
And you forgot to mention why it's an emergency, because it's clearly not. Game-stopping bugs are emergencies.
And you forgot to mention why it's an emergency, because it's clearly not. Game-stopping bugs are emergencies.
Originally Posted by DarrenJasper
Unacceptable by whose standards? Besides yours.
And you forgot to mention why it's an emergency, because it's clearly not. Game-stopping bugs are emergencies. |
Even an old game such as anarchy online has one.
Certainly many of the recent successful online rpg games has one. The standard is set by GW competitors.
What game stopping bugs do you know of in-game? It hasn't crashed, it hasn't stopped the game. Trade and interaction between players is a big part of GW, if you don't see, you're an idiot.
The economy is in ruins, few ppl can get what they want, a few ppl can sell what they wan't, which's basically a summary of what I just said above, which you presumably are too stoopid... to understand... or just too lazy.
The inflation still exists. And it's a major problem ANET is trying to solve. Adding a simple store, will solve this for many ppl.
Originally Posted by Malchiel
By most gaming standard. Name me one oneline game that doesn't have an online store?
Even an old game such as anarchy online has one. Certainly many of the recent successful online rpg games has one. The standard is set by GW competitors. What game stopping bugs do you know of in-game? It hasn't crashed, it hasn't stopped the game. Trade and interaction between players is a big part of GW, if you don't see, you're an idiot. The economy is in ruins, few ppl can get what they want, a few ppl can sell what they wan't, which's basically a summary of what I just said above, which you presumably are too stoopid... to understand... or just too lazy. The inflation still exists. And it's a major problem ANET is trying to solve. Adding a simple store, will solve this for many ppl. |

I for one am glad they don't.
ANET needs to "beat" the competitor, not follow. DUH!
My point exactly. I'm glad you agree that an auction house is not needed.
...are you actually attributing inflation to the lack of an auction house?
The hell.
I will say that it would be nice to get a more streamlined trading system, but pushing it as the cure-all is very misleading. I would also rather have Arenanet focus on stuff like more PvE or PvP content, or refining the unlocking system.
The hell.
I will say that it would be nice to get a more streamlined trading system, but pushing it as the cure-all is very misleading. I would also rather have Arenanet focus on stuff like more PvE or PvP content, or refining the unlocking system.
Auction houses make it far too easy to sell, causing price inflation, a problem that's bad enough as it is. I like the rune/sigil/scroll traders, great idea, but there still needs to be something done about selling other items.
Setting up a fixed price shop on your character is by far the best idea. It goes far towards preventing inflation, and it's a potential money sink if they do it right.
Setting up a fixed price shop on your character is by far the best idea. It goes far towards preventing inflation, and it's a potential money sink if they do it right.
An auction house could come in handy. Spamming for hours is annoying. It has its cons tho.
Absolutely keure. Absolutely.
Rune trader is the perfect example. Once ppl can get what they want, sell what they want effectively, costs can go down.
Think of it in RL example. If you're in China, I'm in US, trading becomes harder, prices also goes up for fees and expenses. Of course in RL there're other factors such as cheap labor, but distance will add to your cost.
If it gets harder to sell the item, prices goes up. If it's hard to buy an item prices goes up.
The result is an insane economy.
A streamlined trading system would eliminate most of it. Again, just take a look at the rune trader. I used to see Superior Fire going for 40k or more in trade channel. I just bought mine today for 10k?
Rune trader is the perfect example. Once ppl can get what they want, sell what they want effectively, costs can go down.
Think of it in RL example. If you're in China, I'm in US, trading becomes harder, prices also goes up for fees and expenses. Of course in RL there're other factors such as cheap labor, but distance will add to your cost.
If it gets harder to sell the item, prices goes up. If it's hard to buy an item prices goes up.
The result is an insane economy.
A streamlined trading system would eliminate most of it. Again, just take a look at the rune trader. I used to see Superior Fire going for 40k or more in trade channel. I just bought mine today for 10k?
Originally Posted by Morganas
Auction houses make it far too easy to sell, causing price inflation, a problem that's bad enough as it is. I like the rune/sigil/scroll traders, great idea, but there still needs to be something done about selling other items.
Setting up a fixed price shop on your character is by far the best idea. It goes far towards preventing inflation, and it's a potential money sink if they do it right. |
The same is true, previously. Superior rune used to look extremely rare, but it isn't.
The number of rare items keeps on increasing in GW. Because you don't lose the old ones, and ppl keep discovering new ones.
The problem though isn't how rare these items are, rather items are hard to find, because we have a SERIOUS trading problem. Item's just don't circulate.
Ppl who needs one aren't getting it. ppl who wishes to sell can't sell it. Hence we have this ilussion that items are rare, and expensive.
A lot like hunger in this world really. We have more than enough food to feed everyone, but some ppl aren't getting it. We have enough items for everyone, but can't pass it on.
My experience in WoW is that the Auction House decreases prices. At first prices were relatively high; as more items became available, the prices dropped. At the time I stopped playing WoW many of the prices (for common items such as leather and ores) had dropped by 50% from the beginning prices and were approximately 1.5 to 2.0 times the selling price to Vendors. An auction house appears to induce more competition, resulting in lower prices.
Two ways to solve this without an auction house:
-Allow merchants to purchase "unwanted" items from players at decent prices and let other players in the area buy them a reasonable-ish prices. Set a time limit on how long an item will remain in the merchant's inventory. Players can create 'scarcity' by holding on to items that they think are valuable however, and I do suspect this is the case, there are a lot of players who just don't give a rip about making 100 platinum for some bow or ubersword. They might just sell the item to a merchant and allow 'your average Joe' to have a shot at actually -owning- something really wonderful!
-Make items degradeable. As in Diablo 2: LoD, items should have to be repaired. They could even break permanently. GW should institute a degradation system (NOT for players LOL!
) where items have a % chance to permanently break and certainly will need repair....the better the item, the more expensive to repair. This becomes a gold sink and will get rid of some of the obscene amounts of gold that some players have. Trickling down, prices for good stuff go down, yadda yadda yadda.
-Allow merchants to purchase "unwanted" items from players at decent prices and let other players in the area buy them a reasonable-ish prices. Set a time limit on how long an item will remain in the merchant's inventory. Players can create 'scarcity' by holding on to items that they think are valuable however, and I do suspect this is the case, there are a lot of players who just don't give a rip about making 100 platinum for some bow or ubersword. They might just sell the item to a merchant and allow 'your average Joe' to have a shot at actually -owning- something really wonderful!
-Make items degradeable. As in Diablo 2: LoD, items should have to be repaired. They could even break permanently. GW should institute a degradation system (NOT for players LOL!
And just to be picky, it should be "We need an auction house badLY".
*laments the death of the adverb*
*laments the death of the adverb*
I'd like to see some trade solution, whether an auction house, or simply have merchants offer more than 1-12 gold for worthy items. Like that 6-27 gold fiery storm bow I had to sell to Bodrus for I think 60g because no one wanted anything less than max damage.
I've also mostly given up on trade channel, unless I see a WTB for something I have. Going do District 1 in Lion's Arch or Ascalon is also useless with the megascroll taking place. "Huh? Did my message post? Where'd it go? Would anyone have seen it?"
An in-game auction house might be one solution. It also provides potential for a nice gold sink, with possible transaction % surcharges. I don't think the lack of an auction house is hurting the GW economy so much as gold dropping faster than it's taken out of the economy, and this (plus better merchant pricing for weapons) would help fix that.
P.S. re: item degradation -- yes, except that I'd hope items wouldn't break without having been neglected for some period of time. Item repair would be another good gold sink.
I've also mostly given up on trade channel, unless I see a WTB for something I have. Going do District 1 in Lion's Arch or Ascalon is also useless with the megascroll taking place. "Huh? Did my message post? Where'd it go? Would anyone have seen it?"
An in-game auction house might be one solution. It also provides potential for a nice gold sink, with possible transaction % surcharges. I don't think the lack of an auction house is hurting the GW economy so much as gold dropping faster than it's taken out of the economy, and this (plus better merchant pricing for weapons) would help fix that.
P.S. re: item degradation -- yes, except that I'd hope items wouldn't break without having been neglected for some period of time. Item repair would be another good gold sink.
dont think auction house would work....mayble something similar like an NPC BROKER....where a player sets an item others can view it....the NPC gets 10% of the selling price
Note: rune trader is bias....warrior minors are more expensive than some superiors such as necromancer,mesmer......
Note: rune trader is bias....warrior minors are more expensive than some superiors such as necromancer,mesmer......
This is a suggestion.