Pay to get healed?!!!!!??!?!?!?!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


I am pretty sure that most of you guys and girls have encountered monks who will only heal if paid. I am sure that many of you have been to Thirsty River and other high level areas. When looking for a monk, someone abuses the stituation and charges a price. I have seen monks charging from 500 gold to 100,000 gold just to do the healing in a mission, quest, or just plain be part of the party.
When things like this happen, I laugh my butt off. Then I usually start offering free services to counteract the pat to heal scheme. I am not sure if this has been done before, but we should make a black list for any monks who wishes to be paid to do the healing in a party. This would hinder those greedy devils from making any profit.
Getting paid to do healing is nothing like having a warrior run you to Droknar or having someone run you through a mission. Healing is part of party ethics. Running a person is like offering a personal service that is really not necessary. Healing and protecting is part of the game while running someone is like a shortcut.
Basically what I am saying is that we should make a black list to undermine the money swindling monks and also criticize and demoralize the unethical few. By doing so, you start a chain reaction. If society upholds that paying to get healing is bad, then the unethical people will feel uneasy and uncomfortable playing Guild Wars.

P.S. If you are a monk and see someone asking for a monk to join their party, do so just to help out.


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Join Date: Dec 2004


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