Thought i'd share this with everyone, me and a friend visited Lions last night and saw this depraved sight. So we joined in!
(Im the one with the blue cape, my mate is the one in the white)
Also at around the same time, this was happening.
The Princess and the Frog
I wont explain what was happening here, lets just say if you have been there and seen the size of frog's tongue you'll understand.
Lions Arch, Cage Dancing.
Drago Solaris
hey me and my friend started that i recognize the warrior
my bro did that cage thing by himslef. pretty cool
Kaleido Katie
Wooo, the cage! Whenever I'm in LA I always go sit in there alone, or dance... That's awesome though, with all the people!
I saw a monk dance in there.
Alathys Tylderaan
Originally Posted by Lykan
Thought i'd share this with everyone, me and a friend visited Lions last night and saw this depraved sight. So we joined in!
The Princess and the Frog
haha, that was so funny, That's my mesmer half in the picture i kept pouting a kicking the frog
The Princess and the Frog
haha, that was so funny, That's my mesmer half in the picture i kept pouting a kicking the frog
Sir Aurik
y would u waste ur time dancing in a cage in lions arch?
Alathys Tylderaan
Something to do while you're trading ^_^
Originally Posted by Sir Aurik
y would u waste ur time dancing in a cage in lions arch?
Perhaps maybe they were enjoying their game-playing experience that they weren't paying monthly for?