Trade Channel
I'm tired of seeing people spamming the All channel with trade stuff. So I think that any All channel messages with WTS, WTB, Selling, or Buying in them should be automatically routed to the Trade channel. Sure, there might be a couple of instances where someone, for example, asked what WTS stood for. However, that wouldn't be too big of a deal in my opinion, and doing this would really make life easier.
Snipe Kan
Originally Posted by Sholtar
I'm tired of seeing people spamming the All channel with trade stuff. So I think that any All channel messages with WTS, WTB, Selling, or Buying in them should be automatically routed to the Trade channel. Sure, there might be a couple of instances where someone, for example, asked what WTS stood for. However, that wouldn't be too big of a deal in my opinion, and doing this would really make life easier.
um im pretty sure programming the chat channel like that would be a big deal.. that would be pretty daym hard to programm that into the system.
No it wouldn't. Unless the chat works differently from most, it would be quite easy. They already have censor technology, they just need to modify it a bit for this instance.
It would work, programing aside, if people acted like AI. But we dont, and if I really wanted to sell something in the normal chat channel, and I could use any of the normal functions, Im sure I could find away around it.
Take this from me: Longsword, damage 14-22, 12% while hexed: send me an offer.
Want it: Longsword, damage 1-10, 150% damage while orange, 2pp
The possiblities are endless, its just not feasable. I do understand your problem though, we all do.
Take this from me: Longsword, damage 14-22, 12% while hexed: send me an offer.
Want it: Longsword, damage 1-10, 150% damage while orange, 2pp
The possiblities are endless, its just not feasable. I do understand your problem though, we all do.