Pay to Play Districts!

Night Daftshadow

Night Daftshadow


Join Date: May 2005

In the forest

Hidden Shadows


i dont know if this is also an issue for other countries beside america. i highly doubt ArenaNet will implement any type of feature like this thread is proposing. guild wars is an international game and the complaints and whinings from american players wont change anything. i guess unless a majority of koreans and/or europeans also complain about this issue, then i guess ArenaNet might do something about it? but i highly doubt it as they are more concerned of cleaning this game up from bots and exploits. they have more important concerns to focus on than to read and listen to players whining about morons and immature behavior in this game.

if you're sick and tired of stupid players, join a guild or make friends, and play through the game with them, with people you know that arent morons.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
This is a brilliant idea. At an absolute minimum of 200 people paying 5 bucks a month, that's 1000 bucks a month. Surely that will be enough of a salary to take care of someone whose job it is to play policeman in the district... that's the only extra that's really needed. Pay a small fee and the devs make extra money (that benefits EVERYONE) and the pay-play district gets tighter monitoring for bots, abusers and other violations/harrassments.

Great idea...

although I could never use it... payment options severely limited
$1000 a month would not even come close to paying a in-game support staff.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


pay to play does not get rid of duffers. i know this from games like Soma.
true, whe the game went from free beta to pay to play, we lost a few...for a month or so
then, they were back, with free e-mail accounts and 10 hours of *test the game* time.

also, they will NOT get bored...they will NOT go away after a while, because they will be replaced by others..there are MANY more Nurks than there People, and the dopes and the teasers will still arive and wind you up. think about it, people, it just £30 bucks to get this game, the price of the average console will not be much bothered by that 30, im sure. (yeah, theres kids out there who's mom+pop have difficulty paying, but if they *the kids* are that daft, well mom n pop can wipe their char and use the account afterwards, assuming the little darlings didnt use Bots, i which case its 'See Ya!' hehe )
best way is to make yer own district..its free, and it will end up that since *everyone* is ignoring them, the monkeys will wander back to the places where folks shout and wave and take notice...

so, say to all the people you like, those groups of mature, sensible and friendly gamers...'come on, lets all use only District 5 in english!' then when you log in, always go t that district. i know therres some thing that says about setting it auto, but it would be nice if that had a 'choose XXX district XXX language' and set that to your *home* set as it were. after a while, the kids will end up being in their own areas, casue the game auto shifts, right? so if they havent set the district, they will be shifted to a district that has fewer players to free up lag.

may not be the best, but hey, tis better that paying to play....some of us poor old farts just dont have that type of cash and that is one reason we chose GW in the first place....


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Broken Union


I understand what your saying but wouldn't it be much simpler if they just reinforced the rules a little more.
Also that would be very unfair really considering that there are alot of people who would like to pay but couldn't and then they would have to put up with the miss behaviour of everyone else.
Oh and one last thing. I think it is better that everyone is put in together as it creates a more realistic gameing experiance.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


unfortunately, getting stuff to stick will require a HUGE amount of work.
in game DMs 24/7
setting up a system that will alow them to give you warnings,temp ban, perma ban and *Blitz them so their never alowed back in the game* type stuff.
even so, then theres the fact that they would have to recrute a verry large staff, in all time zones, speaking many languages and all working different hours so that we could send them screenies of kids doing /dance or /sulk or even /stand there and call everyone unrepeatable names ect

so far, i have seen the dancing lessen though..everyone sems to have gotten over that more or less ^^ (if i wanted to see what i danced like, i would just go out fo the main town on my own and do it ^^ why subject everyone to my auful dancing ^^)

it would be very hard to make this lot stick, and i knwo that from personal experiance, too
(and i ether need to slow down my typing or get new hands/keyboard lol)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

USA/Near Chicago

The Divine Darkness <TDDG>


Having a drivers license doesn't make you a better driver. would having a certain number of toll-districts make people behave any differently?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Guild Master
if it even goes into the game, i will kill your character every time i see it
lmao--the above is one of the mucktards Im trying to get away from. GM, you realize this isnt an open pvp game right? K, just checking.

Alot of you have said things like 'I dont think alot of people would pay...' Well, thats the point, most wouldnt pay. I really feel that the typical greifer type wouldnt pay, and thats exactly why I think it would work. Yes, there would still be asses, but I think there would be alot fewer of them.

For those saying there would be alot of improvments needed for pay to play to work, I say why. All we would be paying for is another (set of) district(s) where mods actually enforce game rules, and where we can expect to find a greater number of mature players. Or greater ratio anyhow. You dont HAVE to pay, if you chose not to, nothing changes.

Someone asked how payment would work, of course I cant answer that. I would think credit card and pre-paid game cards would be the method.

I know I would pay, I know my friends would pay. Im pretty sure a small percentage of the GW population would pay. Even though I would guess only 20-30% of people would pay, I think this is more than enough people...this game has alot of players.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Xen of Onslaught

Isnt it already in the agreement you wont be a jerk?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

heh, it alwasy amazes me that this conversation comes up in EVERY game I have ever played online.

There is an old addage that says, ignore them and they stop. They know it gets your goat and that's what makes them do it more. You threaten to leave, they do it that much more. It's funny to them to think you got so pissed off and was unable to deal with them being childish.

$5 a month for an exclusive club wouldn't stop you from seeing smacktards. You'd probably limit your exposure. Creating in-game costs to enter an area, would simply serve to piss off good players who wouldn't buy the expansions if they came out.

I've played the game since release, and have not once seen an incident of a person who deserved being ignored. If you have ignored so many people you filled up your list, you are probably a bit too sensitive and should seriously consider why you let those people make you angry. That's not a stab, that's just fact.

I've had people leave my group-mid mission and we failed because of that. I have had people leave mid-mission and we still finished it. I did gates of Kryta like 15-20 times because people kept dying or leaving. I have had people draw all over the mini-map but after like 1-2 minutes they got bored and stopped cause nobody said anything. If anyone is determined to draw on the minimap for longer than that, they are either high, drunk or have severe mental problems.

I also turn off local and trade chat while in town if I have no interest in trading or partying at that time. As for the people who use local chat to sell items, they are selling items in trade too. I myself have turned off trade chat and forgot I had it off but saw a good deal or offering in local chat and reminded me to turn trade back on.

My point is, if you go around being upset about every little turd you find on the internet, you'll see nothing but siht all day. Don't take my word for it, try to just let it roll off. If you can't, I'm sorry to hear that, but nothing anyone can do, ArenaNet or otherwise can help you.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Ivory and Steel


If anything this has the potential to make things worse because, at least in the places I've been, people have a certain sense of entitlement when they are paying a continuous fee for something. "I'm paying for this, I should get bonus X." Jerks will abound. Complaints will rise in the toll districts. People will believe that since they are paying a monthly fee, their concerns are more important than someone who is "merely" paying for the Basic Non-pay-to-play version of the game.

I'm sure that you were looking for people to agree with you. In fact, you said as much with your post. But I have to tell you, for the reasons I've posted, I disagree with your position for a pay-to-play system to make gameplay better for you.

There would be no limit to morons, because even morons have money.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Southern Cali

Herald of the Storm


Originally Posted by Skratt
I've played the game since release, and have not once seen an incident of a person who deserved being ignored. If you have ignored so many people you filled up your list, you are probably a bit too sensitive and should seriously consider why you let those people make you angry. That's not a stab, that's just fact.
Here here. I've only ever added one person to my ignore list, and that was after they left a party I was in and then chose to personally PM me with insults. I informed them of the EULA and put them on ignore.

I took them off the ignore list an hour later. Really, what's the point. You're not very likely to run into the same griefer again. Heck, unless you made a big scene or raised a stink with them the odds are they probably don't even remember you, let alone want to PM you again a week later with insults. If they do, just screencap and send to

Really, reassess your gigantic ignore lists. Odds are, they really don't need to be longer than your list of friends.

Marc Grahamsworth

Marc Grahamsworth

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Guild of Choice


Originally Posted by Vorkronor
I warn (whisper) such people once, that they violate the Rules of Conduct. That is enough in most cases to silence the offender. Otherwise you can take a screenshot and send it to ArenaNet. Take a minimum tolerance policy people or the game is going to hell!

This specific offense violates point 3, that says:

You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.
LOL, what's worse is when you got one of your teammates in the Tomb of Primeval Kings going around cursing and swearing the European and Korean teams and bragging about how the USA is the best country on Earth (especially when they could've been resurrecting the rest of the team plus it makes it uncomfortable for those of us who aren't actually American but just playing on an American server). I'm not pointing the finger at Americans in particular (since I'm sure some Europeans and Koreans are the same - it's just I only can really read English), although I really believe that the nationalist/racist remarks have no place in this game.

And your idea is a good one Vorkronor, for extreme cases at least . What's the e-mail that you send complaints to?

Nomad Ninja

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazonian Triad [TaT]


What I would like to see is an easyer way to play with people on the friends list.

I have met a lot of realy fun people, and would like to play with them. However at this time is is time consuming to get them on the list and play with them. I have to wisper them and try to findout where they are what they are doing etc. What I would like is:

1. beable to add people by cliking in the chat window
2. require a confimation for people to add me to their list.
3. be able to click on their name in the friend list and if they are in a city to jump to that city / district
4. the names of people in my friends list show up as a different color in the citys so I can easaly identify them and group with them.

If this was implemented I could easaly get a long list of cool people together - hundreds potentially - and be able to play with them whenever they were around.

you could also go even further and have the ability to import a friends list from another playero (if they argee), creating a community of cool people, where "cool people" could be defined by what kind of people an individual likes.

This seems to me a better option than having a pay system , or to have baby sitters (in game regulators) try to force the community into what they think is mature.

hmm maybe this suggestion should be the start of a new thread.

Nomad Ninja
[The Amazonian Triad]
we kill in threes . . .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Agency Of Forbidden Fruits [Oot]


I dont think It would be right, because there are many of us good people who would not be able to pay this charge. And we would be left out in the cold (by that I mean cold hearted).



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Circle of Nine


I just use the international districts when I want to avoid wankers or want a quiet place to meet with team/guild mates


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Czechia, Europe

Drums Of Doom


Originally Posted by Marc Grahamsworth
... And your idea is a good one Vorkronor, for extreme cases at least . What's the e-mail that you send complaints to?
I almost did send a mail to them once, but the man was harrasing just me and the ingore feature worked fine. But the address I had in the "To:" field was [email protected] ... To feel some satisfaction, I told him, that I'm going to ignore him and then put him on my ignore list. And I felt better, immediately. Oh and don't forget to add smilies, when you tell them you're going to ignore them

As you said Marc, reporting people should be done just in the extreme cases. Telling the people, that they violate the terms, they agreed to, is enough in most cases.

The only successful tactic I have against griefers is I either play with my guildsmen, friends or I chat with the group for a while to see how the players behave and react before we embark on a mission.

Unfortunately PUGs are still a necessity as our guild is still in it's teens


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
If you woulnt pay for this, well then it would in no way affect you, so I really cant see why you would argue against it. I would certainly like to hear arguments on how it would affect you if you think it would though.
That's easy. There's two possibilities:

1) What you say is true, and the pay district will attract a larger percentage of the more mature players. Now, I (a player who considers himself mature, but very much likes not having a monthly fee for GuildWars) am stuck with a much less mature crowd because you've siphoned off a large percentage of the mature playerbase.

2) What you say is false, and the pay district is just a big waste of development time and money.

Either way, this idea hurts me, the player who doesn't want to pay a monthly fee (and was expressly told I wouldn't have to to get the full benefit of the game).



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dread Knights


You could join my guild, I have 0 tolerance for any of that stuff.

Another way to curb some of it would be to have accounts that are made with a valid credit card (no charges just used to verify age of 18+).
Any account updated with a credit card could goto the "adult servers" that may help or at least slow it down.

Another person had an idea in another post for the pre school penis painters, to add an emote for drawing on the radar map. Would make it alot easier to figure out whos the "artist" so you could add them to your /ignore list.

Calnaion Blackhawk

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

England , Wiltshire

[mB] Mental Block


Originally Posted by Rhombus
what the.... NO! Guild wars was meant to be free, and it will stay free! (I hope ) Yeye I know, it will still be free for the rest, but you know why I didn't pick WoW over this game??? exactly, im dutch.
agreed, we dont want WoW all over again do we now


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Houston, Texas


I think the best part is that its free.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

damnit... where's the burnt out/ smashed light bulb post sign when you need it? not all ideas are bright... lets come to grips with reality...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Aaaaagh
First off, I would appreciate it if you dont bother flaming this idea, I already understand at least 75% of you wont like it. And thats exactly what Im counting on.

I propose pay to play districts that could only be accessed by accounts who pay a small monthly fee (5$-?) or a one time fee (20$-?). These accounts would gain no benefit save the right to enter a district where 1) An appeal function is available 2) Harassment situations are quickly taken care of, and 3) players are expected to basically behave. These players would still have access to all the normal zones, of course.

This is an effort to avoid all the immature gamers who are making GW much less enjoyable for alot of us. Like I said, Im sure a huge percent of the population will not be for this, because they wont do it. Frankly, I dont care about those people, its those who would pay for this Im looking to hear from.

If you woulnt pay for this, well then it would in no way affect you, so I really cant see why you would argue against it. I would certainly like to hear arguments on how it would affect you if you think it would though.

Aaaagh casts -<(FLAME SHIELD)>- .

Ok, post away...
OK let me first say that i have only rerad the first page of responses so if i repeat something someone says, i agree with them.

1. whats an "appeal function".
2. Harrassment should arlready be taken care of
3. player are already expected to behave.


1. Too much of a noob to understand that one

#'s 2 and 3. The harrassment and behaving is an issue for some. I was on 2 days ago with some one who was being a total jerk to the group telling them to "shut Up", calling them names...etc.

I think there should be a place where you could go "in game that would allow you to report things and not miss game time....maybe take a screen shot of the words being used, when people are be abusive, and take it to an area for download....this is proof of people doing things wrong, not just an accusation

The flip side of paying when you say it would not effect the non-payers. I beleive it would. Because you pay and others dont, some would get the idea they they deserve special priviliges,such as if there is a problem the paying accounts would expect to have their problems solved 1st, because they pay. Money does strange things to people. Makes them fell important.

NOw this is the 2nd online game that ive played..the first was Counter Strike. The major reason why I do not play online games is because i feel that once you purchase a game, you shouldnt have to keep paying for it. I do however agree with donations. i understand that it takes money to run servers for these game and kudos to the folks that figured out how to do it without charging.

But using money to gain preferrence!!!!! uh.....negative



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Dark Nightmare


Yeah, agree with the guy before me...I didn't buy GW because it was a game I knew people could buy their way through the game(other than Ebay, which is always existent). Point is, I bought GW because I don't have all that much money to spend on a PPM game, and because GW doesn't have that PPM situation.

But to the OP, you might want to get your information straight before suggesting something like this. ANet is *basically* from Battle.Net, which is known for hosting games like D2, Warcraft 3, etc. ANet has specifically stated that they will not force users to pay for their servers, so this kind of request has been rejected for years now.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


9 chances out of 10 this is a major WoW supporter that is sic of the players leaving their game for one that doesn't cost and arm and a leg to play. Guildwars is not free. its different. it still cost to buy the game, JUST LIKE ANY GAME, but where they are unique is they do not drive their customer base away by charging just to play what they have ALREADY purchased. and the chapter updates are wonderful. if you want em you get em, if you don't no biggy. enjoy what we have done so far that you already paid for by purchasing the game. THAT'S SERVICE...

Even the Reviews on TV and in Magazines, are saying this is a hard choice. With Guildwars winning each time because of its no monthly fees. It is a tie breaker in almost every comparative review I have seen.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

This should never happen, and would severely disappoint me. If anybody here has ever played a free online game, there's always some extra bonus for the people who pay for it. Everyone who payed their 50 bucks in Guild Wars should get what everyone else gets, and no one should get any more even if they pay more cash. Players are going to feel like they're being ripped off, and people who pay for districts are going to act like they're superior to those who don't.

Come on, the community is not that bad, anyone who's behavior is bad enough to warrant a district that you have to pay for should problably be banned; If it's not that bad and you're still complaining, get off the internet.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ok, really. You meet bad people in real life, you meet bad people on the internet, deal with it. Turn off the "All" channel or something, or just add people to your ignore list of they PM you. Pay to play districts isn't the solution. In those p2p districts, you will still have those annoying players in there. It will also give a disadvantage to mature people in the free districts looking for a group in the tombs, or any other arena. I don't think this will ever happen in Guild Wars, its meant to be 100% free.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Jul 2005


Quite simply it won't work. I have seem something like this done before. You still get hordes of idiots and kiddies running around with a monthly fee. The difference is with the monthly fee they feel they are paying for the right to act like a moron. Additionally creating a schism in the playerbase (monthly fee vs no monthly fee) will only result in the monthly fee players griefing the non fee paying players.

The best way to play this game is with a whitelist. Everyone not on the whitelist is assummed a total moron until proven otherwise.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Everyone is suggesting adults only... I disagree, but of course it's just because I'm 15 years old. I just want to point out that the majority of players that I personally play with, whatever age they are, are perfectly mature... I also agree though that the immature players are extremely annoying.

If cost would actually work to keep some people out, then perhaps the expansions will end up having areas that are limited to the more serious gamers who are willing to spend more money.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Halifax, NS, Canada

Seems like a call for preferential treatment for some over others.

Sorry, this is akin to today's 2-tier medical care where the haves have and the have nots have less and suffer more. It's bad enough people are auctioning items for real world cash but to push for this would force people to make money in this game to cover their costs.

I have just as many rights in this game as others. I dont want to give them up to those who have money to pay to play. If this was implimented I would receive less attention and support than I do now... which is close to nothing anyway from what I have witnessed.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Silentum Altum


Originally Posted by Rhombus
what the.... NO! Guild wars was meant to be free, and it will stay free! (I hope ) Yeye I know, it will still be free for the rest, but you know why I didn't pick WoW over this game??? exactly, im dutch.

i wan't it to remain free also.