strength vs tactics
ok while surfing the boards i always see people asking questions about wepons, armour, ETC. what i did notice is that every body says that STR shields are far superior and own tac shilds any day. so my question is why are str shields so "godly" compared to tac shields. i mean if i have a mad def tac shield and a max def str shield why is the str one so much better?
Because most no one uses tatics is what I've gathered. I don't know why this is as I don't play a warrior much and never really bothered to learn.
but i use tacticus all the time i love my stances and stuff
Balrad Baptiste
Tactic builds can be very strong builds. Some of the Tactics skills are overlooked as you may have found out. People like the armor penetration of strength, but it wont help them much if they are fighting a good tactics warrior who they can hardly land a blow on.
but warriors dont fight against warriors in pvp. they will go most time for soft targets and wont be attacked themself coz enemy goes on soft targets too. so there is no need of all that dodging stuff you get with tactic.
so a warrior will be only useful in pvp when he deals good dmg. and therefore strenth is MUCH better. an artist of surviving will be simply ignored until the rest of his team is dead. and when it goes 1vs8 your tactic skills wont help a lot
so a warrior will be only useful in pvp when he deals good dmg. and therefore strenth is MUCH better. an artist of surviving will be simply ignored until the rest of his team is dead. and when it goes 1vs8 your tactic skills wont help a lot
Strength helps you do more damage, run faster etc.
Tactics helps you become a wannabe tank that only idiots will bother attacking.
Thus, Strength shields > Tactics shields.
Tactics helps you become a wannabe tank that only idiots will bother attacking.
Thus, Strength shields > Tactics shields.