Will e-mail this to support later anyhow.
Its annoying how the music in any part of the game plays for the lenght of the track, and then simply stops and doesn't loop.
Best example is Lion's Arch where the music plays, stops and then doesn't restart for like 5 mins later... its odd and annoying.
Surely this could be a fairly simple thing to fix.
Bug: Music Not looping correctly.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Will e-mail this to support later anyhow.
Its annoying how the music in any part of the game plays for the lenght of the track, and then simply stops and doesn't loop. Best example is Lion's Arch where the music plays, stops and then doesn't restart for like 5 mins later... its odd and annoying. Surely this could be a fairly simple thing to fix. |
I can only think that if it did start looping you would have people complaining they are getting fed up with the music looping.
Personally, I kind of like it this way. If they want to fix it, give an option where you can choose how to play the ingame music, or like others do, they listen to there own music while playing.

P.S. And who says it's a bug and not intended??
Originally Posted by Dirkiess
P.S. And who says it's a bug and not intended??