I suppose most of you are aware of the Quest information updates that are shown on the map. So for example, you are on a certain quest to find the Ring of the Netherworld (fictitious quest). Your mini-map/compass is updated with the direction (a green arrow on the compass) and a green star on the map showing you the destination and where to go.
Yesterday I was playing and I did a couple of quests and used the map with no problem. However, after completing a certain quest, the map information didn't reappear! Even when I opened up the quest logs and changed quests, there was no arrow or destiation marker. Has anyone else experienced this bug and what do I need to do to get back the quest map info???
Quest Information Updates to Map: Missing
You'll only get a quest marker on the map if the marker is either in your current zone, or an adjactent zone. So if you've got to travel across more than one zone to get to a quest, you won't get a marker. Possibly this is what was happening?