What i suggest is a Provoke skill whereby the target enemy will only be able to target the Warrior, there can be different version of this skill like for example:Adjacent foes can only target the player for a set amount of time that is dependant on the Warrior's Tactics skill etc
This skill can also work in pvp but there could be a system implemented whereby the effect will last half as long(or maybe for even a shorter period of time) when used against a monster so that it can't be overly exploited and this will prevent a team of say....4monks and 4 warriors becoming invincible.
Of course it can be nerfed slightly such as a longer "recast" time on the skill or both Adrenaline and energy requirements before the skill could be used so that there is still a certain amount of challenge left or that the skill can only be used on X amount of monsters unless one of the targets die.
Hopefully if this gets implemented Stefan the fighter henchman will gte the skill too as I'm pretty tired of seeing my healer hench die one too many times because a group of monsters decides to surround and overpower her >.>
Also this is kind of off-topic but I'm just curious about how A-net is going to deal about farming/earning gold as right now what with Rune Traders lowering the prices of certain superior runes considerably low and the several reallocations of monsters to prevent farming, its pretty hard for me to earn gold to afford stuff like ascension armour. This isn't really a complaint but I'm just curious on how will they counter this problem^^;
I'm open to suggestions/comments on the Provoke skill suggestion tho