I have an honest question to ask: why do you like online gaming in games like GW? I bought this game because I wanted to try it. But much of the time I feel I am spending a lot of my leisure time with rude, selfish people doing repetitive tasks. It isn't fun. Once in awhile I meet people who are nice or smart in the game, but rarely. And rarely do I find something to do in this game that is different than what I did yesterday. I have kept playing out of stubborness and because I am a hopeful sort and kept hoping that I would find the fun in this. It never really happened for me.
Yes, I should leave the game, and I AM. But before I go I wanted to ask other people if they could tell me what it is that attracts them to GW and games like it. I mean, why aren't you spending your time with smart, nice people in your REAL life? I hear so many of you saying how much you hate PuGs or grind, and how nasty people are online, but if this is true why do you play? What is the attraction?
It is an honest question and NOT a criticism of this game or anyone. I am just curious. Also I like many people who post here and think many of you are funny and smart. Really. So I wonder why you spend your time playing GW and other online games where you end up hanging out with so many NOT smart, NOT nice people.
P.S. Thanks for making me laugh and think and entertaining me, posters at GW Guru forums. And good luck to A-Net and GW...lots of people DO like this game and for all of them I hope GW is a success.
The Online Gaming experience: WHY