Well, been hearing about this game, and when I saw the Pre-Orders I bought one, and since I had the entire weekend, thought I would see what it was about.
Reading some of the other threads here, I do think that it is odd that everything I have acquired sells for 1 gold. I also can't seem to find anyone that sells, or makes, the additional storage containers, so that I can carry more than 20 items.
I also noticed that in the time before the scorching, when you got a quest there was a green arrow that pointed you in the direction to go (on the compass). However, after the scorching, that assistance is gone. How in the blazes am I supposed to find the Census in Old Ascelon?
I also feel that there needs to be a way of dropping old quests that have been unfulfilled. I don't think Little Thom still worries about his cape now.
Any idea as to where there might be some user guide documentation around? Somthing to explain the game interface? It was not until after the scorching that I found the tool that allowed you to assign attribute points to areas. I seem to fight better now that I have done that. There also needs to be something about how to utilize the henchmen available in town.
With an April launch date, and only 1 or 2 beta weekends left, it is definatly the game play and documentation that needs work.
in game: Zarrod Stormbringer - Elementalist
First event = confused
Devil's Dictionary
I believe the idea of everything selling for one gold is to force trades between players. However the "precious" items still somehow sell for one gold.
The quest arrows are part of the tutorial. In the game, hold ALT to highlight NPCs in a certain radius arround you.
You are right. It would be a good idea if, after you travel to the ruined Ascaron all the quests from the tutorial would dissapear. I think you should write it in the suggestions topic.
As for the documentation, when the game ships it will most probably contain a manual, so the players who play the game for the first time in April should have less trouble with the game
The quest arrows are part of the tutorial. In the game, hold ALT to highlight NPCs in a certain radius arround you.
You are right. It would be a good idea if, after you travel to the ruined Ascaron all the quests from the tutorial would dissapear. I think you should write it in the suggestions topic.
As for the documentation, when the game ships it will most probably contain a manual, so the players who play the game for the first time in April should have less trouble with the game

You might want to post some of this stuff at the suggestions thread, here: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=253
part of the reason the arrow is gone in the quest screen after the tutorial section is to force you to explore. Exploration is part of the fun. However I understand people not finding that as fun.