3 sup vigors or
2 sup abs or
a sword with equal stats or
post your offer
+14% while above 50% req 8 Cruel Battle Pick with +5 armor
max damage 6-28
will post picture later
WTT Gold Axe for
Van the Warrior
Dark Beast
Wow, seems like an uber deal to me. Wow, for some reason I swear I say 2 vigors and 3 absorption. >.< Anyways I don't think someone would trade that much for the axe, but I'm not sure. Mostly because it's not a perfect 15%.
Van the Warrior
yup its why im willing to trade
Ahhh Battlepicks look miserable. GL on the trade though.
One post every 24 hours by the OP. Read the forum guidelines.
Van the Warrior
up this goes...
Digital Limit
Yeah, if only it wasn't a battle pick.