Ranger Q?
Well, from the "Rangers suck" thread it seems to me that people are inadvertantly overlooking an important part (imo) of Rangers, they're own private mini-tank.
So, that being that, what would you all consider the best pet(s) for a Ranger to run with? My new one just left the pre-searing with the giant chicken, so that's obviously going to change...
So, that being that, what would you all consider the best pet(s) for a Ranger to run with? My new one just left the pre-searing with the giant chicken, so that's obviously going to change...
I'm enjoying my wolf
however when I get to lvl 20, I'm heading to the tamer, trading it in, and beg people to take me to the spider
however when I get to lvl 20, I'm heading to the tamer, trading it in, and beg people to take me to the spider
well i think a black bear (found near the ice caves) or a wolf would be good. pets can be very good for damage because most people ignore them and go right for the monks, casters. dont concentrate too much on pets tho
Originally Posted by Jwh6913
I'm enjoying my wolf
however when I get to lvl 20, I'm heading to the tamer, trading it in, and beg people to take me to the spider |
Hey, afterthought... does anyone know if there's a chart out there for pets? Health, damage, yada yada...?
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
The spider?
the spider does 17-26 dam at lvl 12 beastmastery, and has 60 armor and has a slight chance of poisoning
Originally Posted by oulape
Yep, somewhere somehow there is a black widow spider lvl 20 just waiting to be tamed.
C'mon folks, where's the spider?
Originally Posted by Jwh6913
the spider does 17-26 dam at lvl 12 beastmastery, and has 60 armor and has a slight chance of poisoning
I have no idea, I have the book and it dosent say anything else in the pets section... *bummed*
the other pets all do 6-10 dam, but they have, slashing, picercing, blunt, etc
spider does piercing I think
spider does piercing I think
and they don't have any inherent special attacks or inflict condition skills . Bear has its brutal mauling skill, but that's cosmetic.
Reiden Argrock
The spider is comes out of a chest in the depths of underworld from temple of ages.
also, from what I understand, their is only one spider in UW, so if you go looking for it, you may be competing with other rangers who want a spider as well.
As far as pets go, I prefer my lizard
also, from what I understand, their is only one spider in UW, so if you go looking for it, you may be competing with other rangers who want a spider as well.
As far as pets go, I prefer my lizard

all pets are the same save the type of damage they deal.
I'm still happy with my strider.
I'm still happy with my strider.
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Hey, afterthought... does anyone know if there's a chart out there for pets? Health, damage, yada yada...?
Thanks! |
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by Reiden Argrock
The spider is comes out of a chest in the depths of underworld from temple of ages.
also, from what I understand, their is only one spider in UW, so if you go looking for it, you may be competing with other rangers who want a spider as well. As far as pets go, I prefer my lizard ![]() |
Anyone can list your skillsbar with pet? See, if you use pet, you need 2 on your skillbars: charm and revive.
I would rather bring my whirling defense and troll unguent with me...

Lasher Dragon
IMO, unless you are going full-on Beast Mastery build, pets are really more of a novelty. They are fun and they look cool, but unless you devote your build to pets, they really aren't worth the skill slots/ability points you have to invest in them. They help when you are low-level, but once you get to 20th chances are you will be leaving your pet behind. The only time I bring my spider anymore is if I am back in lowbie-land (of course, I only have like a 3 in Beast Mastery).
bringing in a pet without beastmastery is just like bringing in a spell from an area u have no points in. that said, a pet wouldn't be effective without beastmastery.