Email Address Not Found Err=21


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Eternal Sorrow



Im new to this forum and am finding out if anyone else has gotten this error before in the past.

I was playing guild wars, trading with some folks in Lions Arch, when suddenly it gave me a message box saying something like; You will be logged out because another user has signed into your account.

Afterwards, I tried logging back into my account and it said that my email address was not found.

I've allready sent a complaint into Guild Wars Customer Service.

Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.

Slade xTekno

Slade xTekno


Join Date: Apr 2005

Read or Die Stooge Forum


Did you have a Hotmail account?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Eternal Sorrow


Yes its a hotmail/msn account.

Night Daftshadow

Night Daftshadow


Join Date: May 2005

In the forest

Hidden Shadows


not to be harsh or anything, but what's up with these people with hotmail accounts being hijacked? ArenaNet doesnt send your account name and password in the email. well i havent received anything from ArenaNet besides a confirmation that i have created an account and that's it.

the only factors i can think of your account being jacked are creating an easy password, using bots for farming and other sorts, or someone has stolen your cdkey.

Shin Lail

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Heroes etc


Have you downloaded any third party programs for this game? Someone logged your password and email. Then logged in and changed your email account to one of their dummy accounts. In other words you have a keylogger on your computer. Run virus scanner and any spyware software you have.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Eternal Sorrow


Thanks for the info.

NC Soft has allready contacted me and asked for my 25 digit cdkey. Hopefully they will resolve the matter. Yes I scaned my computer for any keylogers, it would be unusual though for my password to be cracked, not even a dictionary, brute force or hybrid attack could figure out my password. But I know of course keyloggers work different, they monitor your keystrokes. I did download just a calculator to help me make the best changes to my character.

In anycase, thanks for your help.
Ill post further news on this topic.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by silent333x2
I did download just a calculator to help me make the best changes to my character.
Keyloggers don't show up on anti-virus programs. And you've downloaded one with that calculator. Congrats. You might also consider getting new credit cards, changing all your passwords to banks, emails and so on asap.

Clean your computer out of that keylogger as fast as possible, don't do anything which requires a password until you are 100% sure it's clean.

And no, you can't do it alone, it seems. Get a geeky friend to help you with it.

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005


Oh man, it says in plain English when you load Guild Wars: -

"Warning: If you download Guild Wars
add-ons like bots, skill calculators, etc.,
you're likely to have your account stolen.
These programs often contain key-loggers
that capture passswords and cannot be
detected by virus scanners."

Why, why, why did you download a calculator?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Well, we all know that people have a habit of not reading what is plainly in front of there eyes when logging on or changing territories in GW.

Oh well, people will have to learn the hard way.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

sigh...same thing happened to me? and guess what? mom threw out the KEY CODE. also my dad accidently deleted my folder where i keep digitally all my cd keys for any screwed over =\ still trying to work it out with the support team. But not looking good...

BTW i dont d/l calcs etc


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Conador
sigh...same thing happened to me? and guess what? mom threw out the KEY CODE. also my dad accidently deleted my folder where i keep digitally all my cd keys for any screwed over =\ still trying to work it out with the support team. But not looking good...

BTW i dont d/l calcs etc
Why do you keep them on the PC when you have perfectly good manuals and game boxes to keep everything in??

You're not using Copies are you?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

I don't think anybody ever decides to brute force your password, that takes too long and this is just a game so people don't really have anything to gain. If your pass is 1234, common 4 letter swear, etc, someone might crack it, but even then its rare because who would spend all their time typing in the 100 most common passwords (unless they are certain that you have an easy one)? Also, I think most decent servers temporarily blocks the account if there are several failed attempts so nobody can try to crack it for at least a few minutes so you can't have a bot do it repeated.

However, if you have friends or family around, they can easily see you type your password if you are not careful. I've found out the passwords of a few of my friends (of course I didn't do anything), because I see a few of the characters they type and I can easily realize it's part of a word, or a word followed by their lucky number, their birthdate, etc (I once saw someone in my class type 8 numbers on the number pad and it ended with "84", he was in the same grade as me and I was born in 1984 so I guessed it was his birthday in mmddyyyy format so I asked his friends when his birthday is and I tried it out and I was right). Even if they don't see the entire thing, if they know you they can figure it out. Make up crazy passwords that are impossible to guess, I even know how to type my password in nonstandard hand positioning so it's near impossible to read because some people are asses that just stand there looking at my keyboard and I don't like to be impolite and ask them to turn away.

Then there is always phishing, where someone pretends to be an Admin and asks you for the password because of some computer crash that deleted the information, etc. Scammer!

Don't write down your password or store it anywhere. It's I know a friend who keeps a file on his computer with all his bank information, email, ... , every account he owns and the passwords. He keeps his computer locked all the time when he is not there, but the one time he went to the bathroom and he forgot to lock it, someone at the workplace could have just took the file, it was on the desktop. If you must write it down, do some type of simple distortion or a set of clues that nobody else can easily figure out.

And more importantly and relevantly, downloading calculators, trainers, etc. Given that it is a calculator for Guildwars, you can assume that it is designed specifically to target a user of Guildwars. Norton or McAfee or any anti-virus company will not make programs that will specifically identify and eliminate these keyloggers/virus because they are designed to target Guildwars. The anti-virus companies are interested in more common virus that can affect everybody, not just a small population (the few hundred people who download guildwars calculators).

The media seems to imply that hackers can crack your account with a few simple presses on the keyboard. Not true unless the security absolutely sucks (and usually it doesn't suck with any respectable product/company, although there have been cases where it is so easy that a 8 year old can figure it out). If your account was stolen, then most likely it was due to some of the methods I listed above. People need to be more careful cause someone can literally own you (your identity at least) in this computer age.