i've had this gold axe for a long while now and i love it.. it does 6-23 gives me a +28 health all the time and +14 dmg when in stance which i always am add that to the fact i customized it fopr an add 20% dmg boost....
now i have a few other gold axes takin up room in my inv...
most do better dmg like 6-27 & 6-28 but their mods are less health and only while enchanted/hexed/below 50% etc..... should i switch out...
i ahven't yet because i don't know if it's worth it....
help: which axe
i wouldnt if the stance thing works for you.
enchanted and hexed are good mods to have on a axe if u are a warrior. because i find in any battle that i have at least one enchantment or hex on me.
i use a max damage icy chaos axe of shelter. The axe itself excluding the mods performs the same way as other max damage axes, but looks way cooler. If you can, find a max damage chaos axe with a good health mod.