A lot of Necro skills get cast on the necromancers minions... is there a hotkey to target these guys, or some other quick way to get them? Their names don't even show up when you hold down the "alt" key. How am i supposed to cast spells quickly on my bone horrors?
Any thoughts?
is there a hotkey to target Minions?
try holding "ctrl" thier names mite pop up then. other than that. good old fashion tryin to click on them. only ways i know of.
No there isn't. This is one reason I hate using minions. Ctrl does not work. You have to mouse over them to select them, not very practical in the heat of battle.
that's really terrible, especially since necro has so many skills that require the targetting of minions.
Death Nova+Bone Minions = very cool... but its such a pain in the ass since there's no easy way to target the buggers.
Death Nova+Bone Minions = very cool... but its such a pain in the ass since there's no easy way to target the buggers.
March Hare
Actually the square bracket keys - [ & ] - will rotate through targets - including friendlies, might help
i hit the tab key for bad guys, but be careful!!! sometimes i hit tab and i run off to another target i tried to avoid aggro.