Okay one, I'm fed up with the community in GW (wow, big surprise there). Most of them are complete dribbling at the side of the mouth retards who think they're superman.
I'm trying to do a bonus here to defeat Glint(as I'm trying to get all the bonuses done), get a team together with some specifics before I even enter the mission. Interrupt mesmer to get rid of that damn exaustion spell and to keep her from healing. A tank to take the egg and run around with it so the rest of the damage dealers on the team don't have to run around trying not to die. Protection and healing monk to keep the dude running around with the egg alive and me, a N/Me who casts a lot of backfire-like spells, weaken the armour and damage against Glint to give the monks an easier time.
Well our mesmer here can't interrupt for shit, The warrior assigned to running around, immediately drops the egg and charges in, which in turn leaves everyone else running around trying not to die. Glint is healing up and we've all got exaustion on us.
You're a Warrior/Monk, You are a tank, You can take a lot of damage. You are assigned to taking the egg and being bait so we can focus on the dragon instead of running all over the place trying to not die.
This brings me to my next point, the PUG irc channel that is completely ignored for times like this. There's a post about it here and I have the details about it in my profile but I feel it needs a nice big spotlight as it is an attempt to get the community together in game. It was originally created for the Tombs, but I'd like to call in some of my favors and I'm sure a few others would as well as doing some favors for others.
Fed up with a few things.
You picked the class most likely to survive a dragon attack to carry the egg. You also picked the class most likely to be completely braindead. Can't sympathize 100% here.
Originally Posted by DarrenJasper
You picked the class most likely to survive a dragon attack to carry the egg. You also picked the class most likely to be completely braindead. Can't sympathize 100% here.
March Hare
Actually if you want to know what I'm fed up ith is all of the "leaches" in the Temple of ages. You know the ones, their at some low level, saying "GO GO GO" every three seconds, and then just stand there trying to level up really fast. I got caught in one of these groups purly by acident, nieve me thought everyone was at a reasonable level and knew how to handel themselves in the Fisure of Woe... yeah right. This little peon was just typing kill something every three seconds and didnt even want the group to pick up any monks for the misson.
My real question is: Why do you want to do this. All it manages to do is cheese of real players, and realistically getting to level 20 is the fun part, you learn you skills and through real experiance you lean what works and what doesn't for your type of play... It's not like this is a job or something, its supposed to be FUN, what's the funin just hanging around and letting other people do all of the work (like the level 3 charecter that I saw after ascention)
Like Sekkira I'm fed up with people not carrying their weight
My real question is: Why do you want to do this. All it manages to do is cheese of real players, and realistically getting to level 20 is the fun part, you learn you skills and through real experiance you lean what works and what doesn't for your type of play... It's not like this is a job or something, its supposed to be FUN, what's the funin just hanging around and letting other people do all of the work (like the level 3 charecter that I saw after ascention)
Like Sekkira I'm fed up with people not carrying their weight

I am not currently in a guild so have only ever grouped with PUG's or with the Swinging Sisters of Pullers Bane (more commonly known as henchies).
I think I must be one of the luckiest players alive when it comes to PUG's.
I have been in dozens over time and I haven't really had a bad one yet.
Oh I have definitely had groups that have had the following downsides;
a: Equivalent survivability of Pooh Bear VS Conan in a knife fight
b: Terminator complex characters
c: People brandishing the n00b stick at other players
d: Clueless Rangers ...... ah..... erm..... that would be me
even so I had a lot of fun even with the groups with the above and 90 percent of the time we have even completed the mission.
I even managed to complete the last mission in a group where one guy joined the AFK Klan at the wraith portals, mainly because the monk in the group beat us into some semblance of team work
The reason I say that none of them has been bad, is that they were all good humoured, even in utter defeat.
I think I must be one of the luckiest players alive when it comes to PUG's.
I have been in dozens over time and I haven't really had a bad one yet.
Oh I have definitely had groups that have had the following downsides;
a: Equivalent survivability of Pooh Bear VS Conan in a knife fight
b: Terminator complex characters
c: People brandishing the n00b stick at other players
d: Clueless Rangers ...... ah..... erm..... that would be me
even so I had a lot of fun even with the groups with the above and 90 percent of the time we have even completed the mission.
I even managed to complete the last mission in a group where one guy joined the AFK Klan at the wraith portals, mainly because the monk in the group beat us into some semblance of team work

The reason I say that none of them has been bad, is that they were all good humoured, even in utter defeat.