Announcement: Use The Search Button

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

Lately it's become very clear that some people are unable or unwilling to use the search function on these boards to look to see if their topic or question has already been addressed let alone answered.

This Question and Answers forum is supposed to be our "living FAQ". A resource for people looking to have their questions answered. That doesn't mean it's a place for you to post whatever thread happens to cross your mind. Far too many questions are cropping up time and time again. We're going to see about some other solutions for this but it all starts with everyone making use of the Search function.

It's right up there on the upper left of any page. Use it to check if your question's already been answered. Try a few different searches and make sure you're not making a duplicate thread because duplicate threads are liable to be merged without warning.

Also, it's becoming increasinly common to open up a thread in these forums and run into an answer that's flat out wrong. Not just a mistake, not just a misinterpretation, flat out wrong. As I said this board is a resource to people looking for answers. Erroneous information isn't helping anyone. When you respond to a thread in here make sure, and I mean damn sure, that you've gotten your facts straight. If that means looking something up, if that means checking a resource, do it. Don't make a post if you're sorta sure or kinda sure or practically certain you've got the answer. Post if you've got the answer. Period. You're not helping if you're not giving someone a good answer. You're just muddying the waters and making everything worse. Now, I'm not goign to single anyone out but watch it in the future because we're getting a bit sick of it.