Any tips on how to beat Monk mirror self?
Well im at a lost for this one, im a monk/necro and what should i do to beat him?

Put sacrifices, useless enchantments, smiting skills, and/or healing skills on your bar. He's more powerful than you, but his AI sucks, so he'll often use skills that hurt him more than they help him.
Take chibbilians or whatever then
Zealots fire
Balthazar aura
Symbol of Wrath
Healing Breeze
Bane Signet
Use in that order get up close he'll die in 20 seconds flat. Recast healing breeze as needed and spam banish.
BTW Of COURSE put points in smiting and healing for this.
My GG Proof.
Zealots fire
Balthazar aura
Symbol of Wrath
Healing Breeze
Bane Signet
Use in that order get up close he'll die in 20 seconds flat. Recast healing breeze as needed and spam banish.
BTW Of COURSE put points in smiting and healing for this.
My GG Proof.
King of Fools
here i was gonna suggest taking heal area and bunch of useless minion skills and just beat on him till he tries too use heal area hit him with bane signet then beat on him some more.
i mean if it works on charr overseers it will work on him.
i mean if it works on charr overseers it will work on him.
Its not even that complicated. Strip every single thing off your spell bar except banish and healing breeze. Cast, heal, cast, heal..you should get him quickly enough. Thats how most of the folks I know with monk primary or secondary even end up doing it.
Keira Darkwind
The only skill I took was Healing Breeze. Kept it on myself then just kept bashing the mirror with my wand. I beat it on my 2nd try.
I took healing breeze and retribution and then just ran around letting him shoot me. Eventually he snuffed it and I just kept spamming the healing breeze to keep my health up.
It wasn't particularly quick, but it did work.
I may have another go at some point to get the bonus.
It wasn't particularly quick, but it did work.
I may have another go at some point to get the bonus.
I've always been partial to The dance of a thousand arrows™, unload all your skills and simply dodge whenever he shoots, then shoot back as he's waiting for flytime and reload.