ya know this is my 3rd char and by far my most loved...and hated. if I get in a good group of TEAM players I do well and heal well. everyone loves me. If i get into a group of RAMBO's then i tend to not do as well and can't keep up with everyone when they scatter. course this is MY fault i know
I guess I need magical teleport for my monk to instantenously go from one point to another to heal.
then I get in the groups that do work as a team but are just put together all wrong. loaded with rangers and a Elementalist and one warrior or something.
do not make a good squad.
I now find myself just leaving a group as soon as I join if it looks all messed up like that.
if I do well im loved. if i let one single person die im the worst Monk ever and should be banned from playing.
sorry for the rant, just needed to add to the millions of monk rant threads already here.
I still love playing the Monk. I like helping others.
plz respect us more TY.
p.s. i hate being called MONK. i have a IGN
My Love & hate relationship: Monk
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
Actually one monk, 3 rangers and two elementalists wouldn't be all that bad if the rangers played their cards right.
Originally Posted by Kaylynn Of Ascalon
ya know this is my 3rd char and by far my most loved...and hated. if I get in a good group of TEAM players I do well and heal well. everyone loves me. If i get into a group of RAMBO's then i tend to not do as well and can't keep up with everyone when they scatter. course this is MY fault i know
I guess I need magical teleport for my monk to instantenously go from one point to another to heal. |
then I get in the groups that do work as a team but are just put together all wrong. loaded with rangers and a Elementalist and one warrior or something. 1-monk 3-rangers 2-elementals do not make a good squad. |
elems: spike and secondary healer for one, spike and earth (ward against melee) for other. this team could do awesome. yesterday i made a 21 win streak with 3 rangers and 1 elem.
I now find myself just leaving a group as soon as I join if it looks all messed up like that. |
if I do well im loved. if i let one single person die im the worst Monk ever and should be banned from playing. |
p.s. i hate being called MONK. i have a IGN |
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
they must not play their cards right then..least not when im playing in the group. maybe they see me and think..screw it lets get in over our heads, the monk will keep us going.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
oh yeah. im tired of seeing low level chars in high lever areas. they get in the group and i spend most of my time keeping that one person alive. now if i join a group and see one of those people i tell the group leader in whisper that im sorry but i refuse to baby sit a lvl 15 warrior. and then leave the group.
Teufel Eldritch
More players, Monks & non-Monks alike, need to learn & understand the concept of triage.
Main Entry: tri·age
Pronunciation: trE-'äzh, 'trE-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French, sorting, sifting, from trier to sort, from Old French -- more at TRY
: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors; broadly : the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and resources can be best used or are most needed
- triage transitive verb
Main Entry: tri·age
Pronunciation: trE-'äzh, 'trE-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French, sorting, sifting, from trier to sort, from Old French -- more at TRY
: the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors; broadly : the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and resources can be best used or are most needed
- triage transitive verb