elementalist robes
now, i can buy pyromancer, hydromancer, geomancer and aeromancer robe
i'm a fire elementalist, so which robe is the best for me?
i'm a fire elementalist, so which robe is the best for me?
Well the only different between the Pyro, hydro, geo and aero armor (Robes) is the addition type of damage they block.
Most people would say go Pyro or Aero since Fire and Air magic is often used in PvP...
However I wear the Geomancer armor since it looks the best on my character. So really its down to which one you think looks best, since the extra defence against whichever element isn't that great IMO.
Only the type of "Third Eye" you use boasts a stat in fire, water, air or earth magic and enegry storage.
Most people would say go Pyro or Aero since Fire and Air magic is often used in PvP...
However I wear the Geomancer armor since it looks the best on my character. So really its down to which one you think looks best, since the extra defence against whichever element isn't that great IMO.
Only the type of "Third Eye" you use boasts a stat in fire, water, air or earth magic and enegry storage.
Auntie I
I personally like the Hydromancers robes for looks but usually mix those with the gloves and boots from another set. Leggings all seem to look the same to me so pick whatever you want. As far as stats are concerned, if you know that you're going to be facing fire damage chose Pyromancers to minimise the damaged done. If you going to be facing Lightning the Aeromancers is the way to go. Since you probably don't want to pack complete sets of armor I suggest selecting a couple of sets of the robes (Chest piece) since that is the most likely to be hit and switching as needed.
The head piece is the only armor that added to your stats the others protect you from enemies.
The head piece is the only armor that added to your stats the others protect you from enemies.
Calnaion Blackhawk
i would go for aero, but personally i have pyromancer armour atm.
If i buy one armour of each type which attrubite will be ineffect i.e. Reduced fire/electricly/cold damage?
Originally Posted by Bushmins
If i buy one armour of each type which attrubite will be ineffect i.e. Reduced fire/electricly/cold damage?
But you'll have a equal balance. Only problem is the face different armor types look odd then mixed and matched.
Auntie I
Originally Posted by Bushmins
If i buy one armour of each type which attrubite will be ineffect i.e. Reduced fire/electricly/cold damage?
Check out this guide for more info
Eomer Brightblade
For my info, where these armors are available?
For looks, Geomancers robes are awesome. For actual play, PvP = Aeromancers. Pyromancers never give me trouble anyway... That line sucks in PvP (for primaries anyway), IMO.
Auntie I
Try this Guide, it has locations, costs and materials required.
All crafters sell them
Originally Posted by generik
All crafters sell them
Auntie I
Originally Posted by generik
All crafters sell them
Eomer Brightblade
Originally Posted by Auntie I
Try this Guide, it has locations, costs and materials required.
Well this guide is empty, except for warrior.
Auntie I
Sorry about that. Go to GW online and look at their list it's complete. I thought these guys had updated but I was wrong. My bad.
They are adding new info to that guide...notice the "closed for renovation"? Be Patient.
Auntie I
It's been "Closed" for several weeks.
Eomer Brightblade
yes, the guide hasnt change since i started the game.
As for the robes... I dyed the vest, leggings, gloves and boots in gold (yellow + silver), it really looks sharp.
Now to get my ranger looking like he's not wrapped in a burlap bag...
Now to get my ranger looking like he's not wrapped in a burlap bag...
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
(yellow + silver), it really looks sharp.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Nice... I produce 3 tier gold dye mixture which uses those two and toher colour... sell it to people
I'm also curious to see what a black/silver mix looks like... I'd hope for something metallic looking as opposed to a washed out grey...
I read somewhere that the Pyro/Geo/Hydro/Aeromancers' armours gave a negative modifier to their protection against their opposed element (Air/earth, Fire/Water-cold). Is this so?
Auntie I
Originally Posted by womble
I read somewhere that the Pyro/Geo/Hydro/Aeromancers' armours gave a negative modifier to their protection against their opposed element (Air/earth, Fire/Water-cold). Is this so?