Miscellaneous items for sale
Acheus Lokine
Here's a list of the items, prices are just references but since I'm not entirely sure on the actual price of the items I'm willing to bargain for some of them:
1) Major Strength Rune (100g)
2) Minor Inspiration Rune (80g)
3) Staff Wrap of Charrslaying (+10 v. Charr) (30g)
4) Hammer Grip of Warding (+4 armor) (40g)
5) Zealous Hammer Haft (+1 energy on hit, -1 energy regen) (50g)
6) Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (Enchantments last 10% longer) (40g)
7) Hammer Grip of Defense (+4 armor) (40g)
8) Cruel Axe Haft (Lengthens Deep Wound) (50g) SOLD
9) Purple Sundering Short Bow of Fortitude (11-18 piercing req. 5 marksmanship, armor penetration +10%, health +21) (1k)
10) Gold Ornate Buckler (Armor 15 req. 8 tactics, -2 received dmg while in stance) (400g)
Again, some of the prices I am willing to bargain on. Post your offers here or PM me as I sometimes have trouble getting whispers in game.
Acheus Lokine
All are still for sale, I got 0 interest here.
I'll buy the cruel haft for 50. I'll be on around 2:45 Eastern today.
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