Sever Artery/Gash with Siphon Life
Server Artery and Gash lead to a very large health degeneration rate, do these stack with Siphon Life?
The Destroyer
yes as well as apply poison and conujure phantasm
They do stack; but there is a maximum health degeneration of 9. So, the effect of the stacking is subtle. Let me explain.
Bleeding/Life Siphon: 3 arrows
Poison/Disease: 4 arrows
Conjure Phantasm: 5 arrows
On Fire / Life Transfer: 7 arrows
Let's say if the person is Poisoned, Bleeding, and has a Phantasm. This is 3+5+4=12arrows. Now let's assume they have +2 mending. So, this becomes 12-2 = 10 arrows. This is then truncated to 9 arrows, since 9 is the maximum. The mending in this case doesn't make any difference; and certainly adding another condition won't make the target drop any faster. By constrast, assume that the target only has Poison and Phantasm (5+4) or 9 arrows. In this case, after mending it is 7 arrows. So the difference between 2 and 3 conditions matters only if the target is buffed /w regeneration.
From a healer's perspective, if someone has 5 conditions on them -- doing a healing breeze on them won't help a bit. You just want to use a direct heal instead (one that doesn't affect regeneration). From someone doing damage, you don't want to waste energy adding that 3rd or 4th degeneration unless you know the target is buffed with breeze or some other regeneration -- if you see a troll uguent on their skill bar (+7) regeneration, by all means, add that extra condition to counter its effect; the truncation to 9 happens after both buffs and debuffs are summed.
Bleeding/Life Siphon: 3 arrows
Poison/Disease: 4 arrows
Conjure Phantasm: 5 arrows
On Fire / Life Transfer: 7 arrows
Let's say if the person is Poisoned, Bleeding, and has a Phantasm. This is 3+5+4=12arrows. Now let's assume they have +2 mending. So, this becomes 12-2 = 10 arrows. This is then truncated to 9 arrows, since 9 is the maximum. The mending in this case doesn't make any difference; and certainly adding another condition won't make the target drop any faster. By constrast, assume that the target only has Poison and Phantasm (5+4) or 9 arrows. In this case, after mending it is 7 arrows. So the difference between 2 and 3 conditions matters only if the target is buffed /w regeneration.
From a healer's perspective, if someone has 5 conditions on them -- doing a healing breeze on them won't help a bit. You just want to use a direct heal instead (one that doesn't affect regeneration). From someone doing damage, you don't want to waste energy adding that 3rd or 4th degeneration unless you know the target is buffed with breeze or some other regeneration -- if you see a troll uguent on their skill bar (+7) regeneration, by all means, add that extra condition to counter its effect; the truncation to 9 happens after both buffs and debuffs are summed.
Ah, thank you for that... but how many arrows does Gash add on top of bleeding? That "deep wound."
Deep wound just lowers max health...doesn't cause health degen
Good finishing move I would think.
10 is the maximum, not 9.
And it works both way, for both energy and health.
And it works both way, for both energy and health.
If deep wound just lowers max health, is it even worth anything to a target UNDER max health?