Ok iv got ther had some fights got a bit of fame.
Just want to know how far does it go do you stay on for ever or what?.
What do you get out of it bar rank and fame ahrrrrrr help me ty.
Hall of heros help
You get fame and rank by winning levels in the Primeval Kings, then if you make it to the Hall of Heroes part you get:
1. a chance to get a celestial sigil (used to get a guild hall)
2. if your country wins 5 times in a row at the HoH section you gain favor for your country and can access the Underworld and Fissure of Woe sections at the Temple of Ages.
1. a chance to get a celestial sigil (used to get a guild hall)
2. if your country wins 5 times in a row at the HoH section you gain favor for your country and can access the Underworld and Fissure of Woe sections at the Temple of Ages.
if you get rank 3.. you get a MOOSE -YEAAH. It's true, if you have rank 3, you can type /fame and you get this sort of flaming moose ornement above your head -its retarted and completely unworth it.