Some changes I'm wondering about



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Firstly... Linnen. Didn't see one piece of linnen or plant fiber this event... Did something happen to them?
Linnen can't be crafted at the crafter anymore ethier it seems

(Scales were very rare this time... but I think they still appeared, same thing with feathers, although at least you could buy them at the vendor)

Secondly... Experience.
Is it just me or it is harder to level up now?
I thought I remembered my character leaving last BWE at level 18, not having too much difficulty getting there; but when I came on, he was 16, and took forever to level up (he's level 18 after about 39 hours of playing). Maybe I was just 16 though, but it still seems exp is harder to gain.

I noticed this event that tons of characters, including level 20ers, didn't have acess to many of the missions and outposts, I assume this is because they just skipped them... but why so many? is there an explanation for this?

While I'm in this same forum section, might as well ask another question too:
The numbers in parenthesis beside characters' names is to distinguish them from others, correct? If so, why does it seem lkik occasionly there's somone with parenthesis, but isnt' even remotely similar to anyone around?



Bokusatsu Tenshi

Join Date: Dec 2004

Bellevue, WA



I'm not sure about the changes to item drops, as i've barely had time to do anything this weekend that wasn't site related, but for the other stuff I can say:

Ending up at around level 16 is about right. As time has gone by, these missions have been restructured and rebalanced to more accurately reflect how far along they are in the game world. It still cuts off at Sanctum Cay, but there is still an excessive amount of stuff that comes after it, that you'd naturally hit 20 along the way.
As for the availability of opened areas, I believe this may have something to do with the wipe that we had last month or whenever that was - as most of my characters had all of the towns open, but none of the areas in between.
Lastly, if by that you mean Character Name(3), showing up in the party window, that's a bug. It's been there for a while, so it's a known issue, but basically the number in the paranthesis is indicating your position within the group.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


I know there was a crafter in the explorable area that made something in return for components.. I forget what though. Maybe they're all out there in the wilderness and you have to find em.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Originally Posted by Spooky
Ending up at around level 16 is about right. As time has gone by, these missions have been restructured and rebalanced to more accurately reflect how far along they are in the game world. It still cuts off at Sanctum Cay, but there is still an excessive amount of stuff that comes after it, that you'd naturally hit 20 along the way...
Lastly, if by that you mean Character Name(3), showing up in the party window, that's a bug. It's been there for a while, so it's a known issue, but basically the number in the paranthesis is indicating your position within the group.
Thanks, both those answers make perfect sense.

I also hear that the crappy monster drops (which are worth 1g, or tradable for some other stuff in old ascalon) will be salvagable, but wasn't implemented this BWE.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Originally Posted by Lamaros
I know there was a crafter in the explorable area that made something in return for components.. I forget what though. Maybe they're all out there in the wilderness and you have to find em.
To get linen crafted for you, there was a NPC outside the Settlement that Linen for 1 Bolt of cloth, 5 Fibers, and 20 GP.
You could still but Fibers at Lion's Arch for (around) 100 GP for 10 fibers.