Anyone notices since latest patch, when you use /age command, for me atleast it shows wrong hours. My character has 599,916 xp and has deffinatelly not been playing 3h, 11 min, 2 months ago. It used to be before patch 410+ hours. Any ideas to why this has changed? Strikes me strange but isn't time played supposed to remain? Seems like it's got reset for some reason. Has this happened only me or are there others?
Best regards
Using /age command shows wrong hours...
No one else is having this problem. At least no one that's reported it in the last 2 hours. Hint: look about 5-10 threads below this one.
I am.
I think that was sarcasm
crazy diamond
Jeezus, the other one is still on the first page
Can't be bothered to search nor just scroll down the screen anymore?
Can't be bothered to search nor just scroll down the screen anymore?