I login now and then, put on the 15k druid vest, notice no graphical difference, and then logout. Just curious if they did update it, but it doesn't apply retroactively to previous purchases?
has ranger druid 15k set been updated yet?
Last Gasp
The aeromancer updated, so the druid should to. They didn't update the druids this time.
Last Gasp
I'm going to assume that is a 'no'. The druid 15k has never had a unique look, and still evidently does not.
Originally Posted by Last Gasp
I login now and then, put on the 15k druid vest, notice no graphical difference, and then logout. Just curious if they did update it, but it doesn't apply retroactively to previous purchases?
Thanks. |
Fye Duron
I hate waiting to get some good looking Druid Armor