Why in earth do the henchies still get quest items instead of you, the player? Today I did Minaar's Worry twice and each time I would not get the War Plans quest item. Instead it would go to one of the henchies and the quest gets all screwed up. In order to complete it, I have to redo the damn quest again.
This is not the only quest that happens. This also occurs with other quests. Why can't ArenaNet make it so that only quest item drops will go to the player and not the henchies? What's so hard to make this change? I don't get it.
I'm starting to get real irritated!!!
Night Daftshadow
It's an un accounted for coding problem. I don't know how easy it would be to flag quest items not to drop for henchies, but I think it'd take some extra effort on the designer's part.
Of course, the Eidolon drops [the infusion item] 100% from what I've seen. They could probably use that script for the specific chests.
Of course, the Eidolon drops [the infusion item] 100% from what I've seen. They could probably use that script for the specific chests.
Seth Oriath
I believe they've been fixing these as they get reported to them. Go to guildwars.com and put this up in the Support section.
As far as I've seen, that quest is a little unique. I did it with a friend with no henchman and she got the plans. However, when she talked to the dwarf, we both got the reward. That might account for the henches getting the plans and not you. The game might be assuming whomever gets the drop will talk to the dwarf.
As far as I'm aware Minaar's Worry is the only quest to have this issue, it is a genuine bug and should be repoerted on the GW support site. or use the /bug command.
However the bug dose not happen 100% of the time, sometimes it drops for the player first time, sometimes it takes 2 attempts. The Quest items like that shoudl be given by an NPC and not as drops.
However the bug dose not happen 100% of the time, sometimes it drops for the player first time, sometimes it takes 2 attempts. The Quest items like that shoudl be given by an NPC and not as drops.
Divinitys Creature
The royal papers was bugged like this too. Eventually did it with real people and only one in the party got them
Ended up soloing

Kaylynn Of Ascalon
this happened to me for the first time today. early this morning....er yester day (just noticed its 1:30am here)
this is the first time this has happened to me in my 300+ hours of game play. so it must not be a major bug at all.
this is the first time this has happened to me in my 300+ hours of game play. so it must not be a major bug at all.