An Itty Bitty Question!
Black Forsaken
Ok you can attach pics to your post buy uploading them as an attachment right?....Well I've seen Massive Pics done like that......and when I try to upload my small pic its like "Your File is Too Large".....What am I doing wrong.....or do they jsut have more skills than me?
Auntie I
Are you using the Insert image command using the Main Reply To Thread screen or are you using the [/url] command?
Black Forsaken
Originally Posted by Auntie I
Are you using the Insert image command using the Main Reply To Thread screen or are you using the [/url] command?
Auntie I
I suspect that there is a size limit on attachments and your itty bitty file is over the limit. If your file is BMP I'd suggest converting to JPG which should reduce the size (not of the picture but the amount of storage space used by the file). If it's already JPG perhaps you can us a hyperlink to link to whereever you have it stored.
Black Forsaken
Originally Posted by Auntie I
I suspect that there is a size limit on attachments and your itty bitty file is over the limit. If your file is BMP I'd suggest converting to JPG which should reduce the size (not of the picture but the amount of storage space used by the file). If it's already JPG perhaps you can us a hyperlink to link to whereever you have it stored.
open it in paint, then click "save as" and save it as a JPEG.
Black Forsaken