I haven't got the game so....
The ultimate noob
Should i buy it and if yes tell me why.
useless thread IMO...this is a guild wars site, obviously theres gonna be tons of feedback saying YES YES GET IT!!!!111oneone
The pope is now dead and M. Jackson was acquitted, thats reason enough to get it.
Sir Skullcrasher
don't forget, we still at war with Iraq..... and George W. Bush is still our president.. so yes get the game already!!
I disagree, this game stinks.
This is obviously my belief and the reason why I am monitoring its fansite forum.
Don't get it under any circumstances.
This is obviously my belief and the reason why I am monitoring its fansite forum.
Don't get it under any circumstances.
Porkchop Sandwhiches
I'd suggest paying it and forming you own opinion if it's great or not
if you want a new kind of mmo coo rpg pve and pvp , try this
Fye Duron
If you think 50 bucks is worth 200+ hours of game play then yes get it.
i have 300 hours and still counting , lol , i just started
Describe to us what kind of game you're looking for, and we'll tell you if you have found it in GW. Cause some of the ads are a bit... you know... false... But... whatever...
your probably thinking, this or wow.
Get this if you need competition. Get wow if you like the idea of a the rat running endlesly in the wheel is you. Only downside to this game are the crybaby kids you run into, which are too many.
Get this if you need competition. Get wow if you like the idea of a the rat running endlesly in the wheel is you. Only downside to this game are the crybaby kids you run into, which are too many.
Tell us some games you've played and I'll tell you if you'll like it.
Even if you like it though you'll go through periods where you'll wonder whats the point of playing and you'll think it's boring.
These periods are what produce the OMFG I'M SO DISAPOINTED IN THIS GAME AND I'M NEVER PLAYING AGAIN then you see them in the trade forum still buying and selling items. Completely hypothetical though of course.
Even if you like it though you'll go through periods where you'll wonder whats the point of playing and you'll think it's boring.
These periods are what produce the OMFG I'M SO DISAPOINTED IN THIS GAME AND I'M NEVER PLAYING AGAIN then you see them in the trade forum still buying and selling items. Completely hypothetical though of course.
If I answer No, do I not have to tell you why
Seriously though I have paid more money for fewer hours of entertainment, so if you have the $50 in expendable income, go for it.
Seriously though I have paid more money for fewer hours of entertainment, so if you have the $50 in expendable income, go for it.
Read posts and infortmation on the main site and fansites. You'll find plenty of reasons to buy it and not to buy it. Determine for yourself what to do.