Hi, I ran a search but couldnt find an appropriate thread.
I created a Guild with one of my characters, lets call him "Larry". But I think I do not want to keep the name "Larry". So when I do delete "Larry", will I cease to be the Guild leader? And will my other characters Curly and Moe lose guild membership?
Deleting a Guild Leader
Why not transfer guild leadership to curly or mo then delete and you wont have to worry... other then that i believe it randomly asigns guild leader if that character is deleted.
guild status is based on your account, which ever character is on your account and you are playing is the guild leader. Delete, recreate, do whatever, aslong as you never promote someone else to guild leader (which kicks you out) you will remain the leader
actually, last time i deleted the char i made my guild with, i got kicked from my own guild. i made many posts about this, but I don't know if they changed that.
I had this problem a few betas ago too (I was and officer though, not the leader). I hope they fix this, although the cahr I'll make first will probably be with me for a long time.
I made a guild in the February Beta Weekend Event. I deleted the character in the March BWE, and it just transfered the guild leadership to the first character on the left on my login screen.
I can also confirm that the issue has been resolved. It transfers Guild Leadership to the next available character on the account. Anyone know what happens if there are no other characters in the leaders account?
I'm an officer in my guild and has deleted many a character, but it's kept me in the guild, so my guess would be they've fixed it. ^.^
Originally Posted by LordFu
I can also confirm that the issue has been resolved. It transfers Guild Leadership to the next available character on the account. Anyone know what happens if there are no other characters in the leaders account?
Thanks for all the help guys. Looks like I won't have a problem after all.