Touch Build


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

I was looking over the skills for a different build then what most people have been doing, and I noticed all the touch spells in the death line (4 if I remeber correctly, plague sending, vamp touch, touch of agony, and vile touch). So then I began looking for more 3/4 casting time attacks, and noticed after shock and crystal wave, I was going to go with the air line to keep the whole touch spell idea, but then I realized that they really were not that good (I really hate exhaustion heh). So I am now wondering if anyone has made a successfull touch build? b/ could be cool : D



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tenafly, NJ

Defenders of Rillanon


Not all of those necro skills are death. As for "touching", most other touch skills are weak, and aren't found in one attribute, let alone one build.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

yea, I am not sure why I said death considering the most are in the bloodline with (there are two), well anyway....I guess it probably isn't the best idea in the world huh? Maybe I will try in anyway though, couldn't hurt: I shall call it the Bad Touch build....or maybe..the pedo!...or not.....hmmm