I've been thinking about this, imagine a place where sellers and buyers could meet in a place made just for them. A place that could look like, say Lion's Arch and filled with kiosks. Sellers would take a table and lay the items they have for sale and buyers would be able to peruse and negotiate. All trading transactions would take place in the usual trading window.
Having a place like that, or several, would allow players to trade in a more rapid and more efficient manner thus liberating the town chats from all the WTB or WTS spamming that's occuring right now.
Just an idea like that.
Why not a trading center for players
Spug X
I find it very advantageous to avoid District 1 at all costs. Traders seem to have adopted this as their zone.
I like the tables idea, that would certainly make it easier than constantly starting trade windows so that I can see/show people items.
I like the tables idea, that would certainly make it easier than constantly starting trade windows so that I can see/show people items.
Many MMOs already have something that makes trade a whole lot easier.
Why Guild Wars is using a stupid chat system for trade when there are separate districts rather than any of the other existing system types that work so much better... Is beyond me.
Why not a trading center? It would make too much sense for those guys to implement it.
Why Guild Wars is using a stupid chat system for trade when there are separate districts rather than any of the other existing system types that work so much better... Is beyond me.
Why not a trading center? It would make too much sense for those guys to implement it.
Probably because there were more pressing issues at hand then a trade system. Such as an actual working game.