Compass: discussion and debate
Talesin Darkbriar
Many of us who play regularly see a need for enhancement for the ingame compass/radar screen.
One school of thought says, "Make each characters marks upon it colored so we can see who does what."
The other school states, "Lock it so only the leader can draw on it."
Let's explore the good and bad sides of each idea please?
Assign each character a color representing their drawing or pinging on the map.
Groups can now see who is the annoying dipstick that scribbles or excessively pings the maps in game.
There is no ability to "kick" annoying jerkwads from a group once in a mission, so other than "knowing" specifically who the jerkwad is, it doesn't prevent this from occurring whatsoever.
Add an "in-game" kick function for the party leader - to drop idiots on the fly.
Assign the leader only the right to draw notations on the radar/compass.
Don't have to worry about colors, jerkwads, or what have you. 1 person, 1 notation, period.
The leader of a group isn't always the one who "leads" the mission.
Allow the party leader to designate one person as "cartographer" who has sole ability to notate the radar/compass.
More input please?
One school of thought says, "Make each characters marks upon it colored so we can see who does what."
The other school states, "Lock it so only the leader can draw on it."
Let's explore the good and bad sides of each idea please?
Assign each character a color representing their drawing or pinging on the map.
Groups can now see who is the annoying dipstick that scribbles or excessively pings the maps in game.
There is no ability to "kick" annoying jerkwads from a group once in a mission, so other than "knowing" specifically who the jerkwad is, it doesn't prevent this from occurring whatsoever.
Add an "in-game" kick function for the party leader - to drop idiots on the fly.
Assign the leader only the right to draw notations on the radar/compass.
Don't have to worry about colors, jerkwads, or what have you. 1 person, 1 notation, period.
The leader of a group isn't always the one who "leads" the mission.
Allow the party leader to designate one person as "cartographer" who has sole ability to notate the radar/compass.
More input please?
Old Dood
Great Ideas....Can't think of anything else to add. You seemed to cover it all.
Making the party leader in charge of everything means that an inexperienced or unaccommodating leader can ruin the use of compass-communication for the whole group. It also means that players can't use the compass to give warnings in emergency situations (I've found it's faster to ping the minimap than to type a chat message saying "Stop advancing, we're being attacked from behind!").
Maybe you could add an ability to "mute" the compass communications of other players on an individual basis?
Maybe you could add an ability to "mute" the compass communications of other players on an individual basis?
You tell it pretty much like it is. However, there's just not a "one size fits all" solution. Experience has shown that you should never leave just one person in charge of everything. If you add a kick function then that so called "dipstick" could kick out all the members right before the end of the mission.
God's Will
vote kick
Hrm... I like it as is for the most part. When me and my idiot friends get together to party, we draw on it like crazy. it's fun.
Rob draws penises all the time, we all laugh.
Rob draws penises all the time, we all laugh.
How about having colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Green, Purple, Pink) because usually more than one person helps out, and then have a /blockprettypicturecoloringfor (Person's Name) option. Then if they go crazy they should be able to be kicked with /kick (Person's Name). And also a /Replace command (Which brings up a list of henchies to choose one) for people who leave or get kicked.
God's Will
what about late game w/ teams of 8 it will be dificult to tell the different collors appart. even better when some1 draws on the hud their name apears next to it.
I propose a votekick of course... this will be added soon, I'm 100% sure. But I also propose a "flag" option.
under the party window is a blue flag, you click the flag then click one of the party members and for you, all of that person's compass marks will be blue instead of white. This will allow you, by process of elimination, to discern who has the obsession with genetalia or nazi regalia... or whatevia. This could also add a minor strategy improvement since you could find out who actually knows the mission or someone who you know is the best leader and flag them to see their directions when there are conflicting drawings on the compass.
We could also consider a "compass ignore" but that would be getting too complicated and unnecessary I think.
under the party window is a blue flag, you click the flag then click one of the party members and for you, all of that person's compass marks will be blue instead of white. This will allow you, by process of elimination, to discern who has the obsession with genetalia or nazi regalia... or whatevia. This could also add a minor strategy improvement since you could find out who actually knows the mission or someone who you know is the best leader and flag them to see their directions when there are conflicting drawings on the compass.
We could also consider a "compass ignore" but that would be getting too complicated and unnecessary I think.
I vote for the kicking option. It's DEFINITELY needed.
Oh but when you've kicked a person, the spot should be replaced by a henchman.
Oh but when you've kicked a person, the spot should be replaced by a henchman.
Numa Pompilius
There's another obvious problem with the "Assign the leader only the right to draw notations on the radar/compass" option: if the leader IS the jerkwad. Giving one essentially random person power over the 7 others in the team is a bad idea, IMO. I'm in favor of color coding and of course...
/votekick <playername>
/vote yes
/votekick <playername>
/vote yes
Originally Posted by Sniper22
How about having colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Green, Purple, Pink) because usually more than one person helps out, and then have a /blockprettypicturecoloringfor (Person's Name) option. Then if they go crazy they should be able to be kicked with /kick (Person's Name). And also a /Replace command (Which brings up a list of henchies to choose one) for people who leave or get kicked.
Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Assign each character a color representing their drawing or pinging on the map.
And I see an alternative:
Instead of making the drawings colored (which could get annoying) I'd borrow the concept from TS: the one who is drawing is highlighted in some way.
That would feed the purpose of identifying the penis and swastika drawers.
Add an "in-game" kick function for the party leader - to drop idiots on the fly. |
Assign the leader only the right to draw notations on the radar/compass. |
If done right, everyone shall draw when they need to. For example: there is an enemy group engaging from behind, someone sees it and tells the team by highlighting them.
Or one guy knows the way, he can draw it on the map. One person is falling behind, one other notices it: highlight.
One guy got lost and doesn't have the teammates on the radar - everyone needs the possibility to set "waypoints".
I propse a different but similar solution:
the leader gets the right to assign drawing rights.
But I can imagine 'leaders' thinking they only need to draw themselves and not giving anyone other the right to. Power will always be abused
But I'd rather have the "drawing rights" solution than a "leader only" solution. Because as you already said the "leader" is not necessary the one who leads the team.
For example we sort our team when doing GvG, Tombs or UW/Fissure, because it is easier for the monks to watch all guys if everyone has his unique spot: