Upgrades Question
Are there any upgrades that can be put on a Truncheon? What class weapon is that anyhow?
It is a necro weapon, and no idea if it can be upgraded or not, never tried anything.
Yes it's necro, no you can't upgrade it.
One hand long range weapons (wand-types) cannot be upgraded.
[Ninja edit: me too slow to post got beaten to answer]
[Ninja edit: me too slow to post got beaten to answer]
OK thanks. I knew it was necro weapon because my necro is using one. Was just hoping it could be upgraded. Was also woundering about the weapon class (like axe, sword ect) just out of curiosity, because I got a weapon recently that I salvaged that I got an axe upgrade from but it was not an axe. For the life of me I can not remember what the heck it was.

It was an axe.
It was obviously "axe class" but the item did not say axe!
Hey!! I realized that I have a habit of taking a screenshot when I see "Item Unlocked" and I have a SS of the weapon!!!!!! Its not an axe but it does say "axe mastery" for req attribute.
A white scythe IS an axe.
Yes if you look at the req mastery it is. BUT IT DOES NOT SAY FREAKING AXE ON IT!!!!!!! And that was why I had asked before about the Truncheon weapon class. I did not check the req mastery on the scythe before I salvaged it!