Ok, now I am getting a little frustrated. Now I know that you can get to tournements in RPG mode but I can't find anywhere to get them. Do you have to aquire them, and if so where do you get them. I would really like to participate in a tournement. Another question, I see people trading and at the bottom of the screen it says like WTB (or something like that) can anyone tell me what that means. I have been playing scince the game came out and I still have no clue what that means. A little pathetic huh?! hmmm..what else

oh yah,... can anyone tell me how to play rock, paper, sicor, shoot or dice because i also see that at the bottom of the screen and I have no idea how to do that. If I ever see you on my name is Foamy Master and I am a level 16 Necro/Rang. If you answer thanks a lot.